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Image for Les Orgues - Ille-sur-Têt (Pyrénées-Orientales), Franceview gallery

NN4.2 km

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Places of Geologic SignificanceLes Orgues - Ille-sur-Têt (Pyrénées-Orientales), France

in Places of Geologic Significance

[FR] Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt sont des cheminées de fée résultent de l'érosion de roches sédimentaires vieilles de quatre millions d'années. [EN] An exceptional landscape of astonishing natural structures: the "fairy chimneys".

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/16/2022

last visited: never

Image for Prieuré de Serrabona - Boule d'Amont (Pyrénées-Orientales) - Franceview gallery

SS5.5 km

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Romanesque ArchitecturePrieuré de Serrabona - Boule d'Amont (Pyrénées-Orientales) - France

in Romanesque Architecture

[FR] Fondé au XI° siècle, le Prieuré de Serrabona est un chef d’œuvre de l’art roman. [EN] Serrabone Priory is famous for its splendid marble rostrum from the 12th century, regarded as a masterpiece of Romanesque art.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/16/2022

last visited: never

Image for Pont-aqueduc - Ansignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), Franceview gallery

NWNW15.6 km

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Ancient Roman CivilizationPont-aqueduc - Ansignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), France

in Ancient Roman Civilization

[FR] L'aqueduc romain d'Ansignan se trouve au Nord du village d'Ansignan. [EN] The bridge aqueduct in Ansignan is an excellent example of the Roman influence on the Agly valley. The foundations of the construction date back to 300 AD.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/19/2022

last visited: never

Image for Pont-aqueduc - Ansignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), Franceview gallery

NWNW15.6 km

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Ancient AqueductsPont-aqueduc - Ansignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), France

in Ancient Aqueducts

[FR] Le pont-aqueduc d’Ansignan aurait été érigé entre 220 et 270 puis rénové au fil des siècles notamment au XIIIe siècle. [EN] The aqueduct bridge of Ansignan is built on the base of a Roman (viaduct) bridge, perhaps in the third century CE.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/23/2022

last visited: never

Image for Gare d'Estagel - Estagel  - France - 81.55 metersview gallery

NENE15.8 km

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Elevation SignsGare d'Estagel - Estagel - France - 81.55 meters

in Elevation Signs

Elevation sign on the wal of trainstation Estagel

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 11/30/2022

last visited: never

Image for Retable de l'Église Saint-Pierre - Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), Franceview gallery

WW16.3 km

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Wooden Church ArtefactsRetable de l'Église Saint-Pierre - Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), France

in Wooden Church Artefacts

[FR] Le grand retable du maître-autel est une commande en 1696 à un jeune catalan, Joseph Sunyer [EN] The masterpiece of this church is the main altarpiece. Pearl of the Spanish baroque art from the 17th century.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member RakeInTheCache

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/15/2022

last visited: never

Image for Canoës, Pyrénées-Orientales, Franceview gallery

EE17.7 km

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Cobblestone BuildingsCanoës, Pyrénées-Orientales, France

in Cobblestone Buildings

[Fr]une maison traditionnelle occitane est construit avec des galets sur ses façades. [En] Traditional housse with cobblestone on its façades.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Tromel

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/04/2022

last visited: 05/04/2022

Image for St Ferréol Hermitage,  Céret, Franceview gallery

SESE17.7 km

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Medieval ChurchesSt Ferréol Hermitage, Céret, France

in Medieval Churches

The St Ferréol Hermitage is a simple chapel built in the XIII century on the side of Mt Canigou, above the town of Céret, France. Here are the relics of St Ferréol, a martyr in 304.

posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member arby101ca

location: France

date approved: 04/28/2010

last visited: never

Image for Hermitage Saint-Ferréol de Céret - Franceview gallery

SESE17.7 km

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This Old ChurchHermitage Saint-Ferréol de Céret - France

in This Old Church

The Ermitage Saint-Ferréol (in Catalan and on the IGN map: Sant Ferriol) is a chapel dedicated to Saint Ferréol in Céret (Pyrénées-Orientales). Built in the XIII th century on pre-Romanesque bases, it was rebuilt in the XVIII th century.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 02/18/2022

last visited: never

Image for Ermitage Sant Ferriol, near Ceret, Languedoc-Roussillon, Franceview gallery

SESE17.7 km

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SundialsErmitage Sant Ferriol, near Ceret, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

in Sundials

The Hermitage of St Ferreol is 5 kms North East of Ceret on the river Tech. 300m altitude.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member GeoRams

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 10/11/2014

last visited: never

Image for Sant Miquel de Vivers. - Franceview gallery

SESE17.7 km

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Town ClocksSant Miquel de Vivers. - France

in Town Clocks

Clock in the tower of Sant Miquel de Vivers.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/18/2023

last visited: never

Image for Sant Miquel de Vivers - Vivers - Franceview gallery

SESE17.7 km

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Roman Catholic ChurchesSant Miquel de Vivers - Vivers - France

in Roman Catholic Churches

Sant Miquel de Vivers is the parochial church of Poble Rossellonès de Vivers, in North Catalonia. It is located in the center and highest point of the hill where the town is located, next to the place where the Castell de Vivers used to be

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/23/2023

last visited: never

Image for Gare de Maury - Franceview gallery

NN18.2 km

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Train Stations/DepotsGare de Maury - France

in Train Stations/Depots

La gare de Maury est une gare ferroviaire française de la ligne de Carcassonne à Rivesaltes, située sur le territoire de la commune de Maury, dans le département des Pyrénées-Orientales, en région Occitanie.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 06/29/2024

last visited: never

Image for La Gare Le Train Rouge - Maury - France -155.32 metersview gallery

NN18.2 km

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Elevation SignsLa Gare Le Train Rouge - Maury - France -155.32 meters

in Elevation Signs

Elevation sign on the wal of trainstation Maury

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 11/28/2022

last visited: never

Image for Table d'orientation Montbolo - Franceview gallery

SS18.3 km

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Orientation TablesTable d'orientation Montbolo - France

in Orientation Tables

Orientation Table in a small park of the town of Montbol0

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 05/21/2023

last visited: never

Image for Montbolo - France - 591 metersview gallery

SS18.7 km

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Elevation SignsMontbolo - France - 591 meters

in Elevation Signs

Montbolo is a commune in the Pyrénées-Orientales department in southern France.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 04/25/2023

last visited: never

Image for Free  book exchange  - Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda - Franceview gallery

SS18.7 km

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Free Community Book ExchangesFree book exchange - Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda - France

in Free Community Book Exchanges

Small free library in the medieval village Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 04/20/2023

last visited: never

Image for Église Saint-Martin de Palalda - Franceview gallery

SS18.7 km

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This Old ChurchÉglise Saint-Martin de Palalda - France

in This Old Church

The Saint-Martin Church of Palalda is a Romanesque church located in Palalda, in the commune of Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda, in the French department of Pyrénées-Orientales.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 04/23/2023

last visited: never

Image for Église Saint-Martin de Palalda - Franceview gallery

SS18.7 km

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Roman Catholic ChurchesÉglise Saint-Martin de Palalda - France

in Roman Catholic Churches

The Saint-Martin Church of Palalda is a Romanesque church located in Palalda, in the commune of Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda, in the French department of Pyrénées-Orientales.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 04/22/2023

last visited: never

Image for Gare de Céret (former) - Franceview gallery

SESE19.5 km

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Train Stations/DepotsGare de Céret (former) - France

in Train Stations/Depots

Céret station is a closed French railway station on the line from Elne to Arles-sur-Tech, located on the territory of the municipality of Céret, in the Pyrénées-Orientales department, in the Occitanie administrative region.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 07/13/2022

last visited: never

Image for Amélie-les-Bains -Franceview gallery

SS19.8 km

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Tourist Information Centers - Visitor CentersAmélie-les-Bains -France

in Tourist Information Centers - Visitor Centers

The Tourist Office of Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda is a useful information point for tourists visiting the area around Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda (Pyrénées-Orientales, Occitanie)

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 09/01/2022

last visited: never

Image for Pont Du Diableview gallery

SESE19.8 km

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Arch BridgesPont Du Diable

in Arch Bridges

The Pont du Diable or Pont Vieux is a medieval stone arch bridge at Céret, France.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Atrellu

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 01/13/2023

last visited: never

Image for Amélie-les-Bains -Franceview gallery

SS19.8 km

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FountainsAmélie-les-Bains -France

in Fountains

Fountain in courtyard of Amélie-les-Bains

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 09/01/2022

last visited: never

Image for The Saint-Pierre church - Ceret - Franceview gallery

SESE20.9 km

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This Old ChurchThe Saint-Pierre church - Ceret - France

in This Old Church

The Saint-Pierre church of Céret, in the Pyrénées-Orientales, 30 km south-west of Perpignan, is located in the historic center of the town.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member superstein

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 02/18/2022

last visited: 01/07/2023

Image for Château de Quéribus - Cucugnan, Franceview gallery

NN21.1 km

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Satellite Imagery OdditiesChâteau de Quéribus - Cucugnan, France

in Satellite Imagery Oddities

[EN] The castle of Quéribus is a castle called "cathare" located in the commune of Cucugnan in the department of Aude. [FR] Le château de Quéribus est un château dit « cathare » situé sur la commune de Cucugnan dans le département de l'Aude.

posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin

location: Occitanie, France

date approved: 03/13/2017

last visited: 08/20/2010

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