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Art Galleries allows ratings

by:  Dollars for Dalí 

A category to waymark art galleries -- places that sell art.


Omnivorous Trees

by:  Nom Nom Nom 

Omnivorous Trees are trees that have grown over or around man-made objects.


Outdoor Altars

by:  Out In The Rain 

Outdoor Altars are permanent structures made of wood, metal or stone that are positioned outdoors for the purpose of worshipping outdoors. These are unique creations in religions where worship is traditionally performed indoors as much as possible. This category will document the locations of these outdoor altars.


Património Português (Portuguese Heritage)

by:  Heritage 

[PT] Esta categoria é para criar waymarks do patrimônio Português. [ENG]This category is to waymarking Portuguese heritage.


Megalithic Monuments allows ratings

by:  New Stone Age 

A megalithic monument is a prehistoric construction involving one or several roughly hewn stone slabs of great size. These monuments are found in various parts of the world, but the best known and most numerous are concentrated in Western Europe, including Brittany, the British Isles, Iberia, S France, S Scandinavia, and N Germany.


Daughters of the American Revolution allows ratings

by:  Golden Wheel 

This category is to Waymark DAR markers or monuments erected to memorialize people, places and events throughout American history by Chapters of the DAR.


Coffee Shops - Regional Chains

by:  Coffee Connoisseurs 

This category is for outlets of REGIONAL coffee shops, as opposed to those that are local and independent, or are national/international in scope.


Lawn Bowling  allows ratings

by:  Bowlers 

This group of bowlers is more fair weather than those that like to stay indoors and knock down pins. The objective of this group is to waymark locations where some form of Bowls is played, whether it be lawn bowling or bocci or Pétanque any other local form. The location must be a permanent facility specifically for the sport.


Outdoor Amphitheaters

by:  Amphitheater Seekers 

An amphitheater is an oval, circular-shaped, or semi-circular area surrounded by rising ground and used for public performances, exhibitions, contests, games, etc. They can be found in many locations around the world. Amphitheaters posted under this category must be outdoors and open to the elements.


Wooden Church Artefacts

by:  Wooden Church Artefacts 

This category is for wooden artefacts - Objects can be entered in this category from within and around churches and other places of worship. We are looking for "unusual" and interesting objects, and prefer not to be a category of duplicate waymarks.


Grand Opening

by:  Let's Open 

To Waymark plaques and monuments placed to celebrate the opening/inauguration of a large variety of locations <b>by a person</b>.


Lonely Chimneys allows ratings

by:  Chimney Hunters 

Lonely chimneys are located all over the world. This category is to log those chimneys and your knowledge of or guess as to what the history of this location is.


Plane Crash Sites allows ratings

by:  Aircraft Accident Documentation Group 

This is for aircraft accident sites, both military and civilian. Please add information and links as you can as you waymark sites. Exact coordinate for the site please. Do not touch or remove any debris unless you are certain regulations for the area permit it.


Outhouses allows ratings

by:  Outhouses 

This category will only accept old-fashioned outhouses, privies or backhouses. All submissions must be without plumbing, outdoors and interior photograph is required. More restrictions will apply. Read the guidelines for posting a new waymark.


Funeral Homes

by:  Funeral Homes 

To waymark the many Funeral Homes, Parlors, and Mortuaries worldwide who offer funeral services, and comfort to those families in need during the difficult times of a loss of a loved one.


Independent Fish Houses allows ratings

by:  Fishmongers 

This category has been created to waymark every independent fish house around the world.


Orthodox Churches allows ratings

by:  Orthodox Churches 

This is to document all Orthodox Church buildings around the world, whether they be associated with Eastern or Oriental Orthodoxy. One of their most recognizable features are their domes. The Orthodox Church has been around since the 1st Century.


Hidden Mickeys

by:  Hidden Mickey Finders 

A Hidden Mickey is an image of Mickey Mouse hidden amongst rides and attractions at any of the Disney resorts and theme parks.


Skyscrapers allows ratings

by:  Skyscrapers 

This is a category for skyscrapers, any structure over 150 meters or 500 feet in height.


Safe Place Havens

by:  Safe Place Haven 

Safe Place is the first step to help any youth in crisis or at risk. This program has the community working together, operated by youth shelters or youth serving agencies making it possible for any youth to access help where the Safe Place sign is displayed. We are now also including Safe Baby Sites and Safe Surrender sites. So you can submit a Safe Place Haven or/and a Safe Baby Sign as well as a Safe Surrender Sign.


Fishing Holes allows ratings

by:  Fishing Guides 

Let's go fishing! Share your favorite fishin' holes here, and find a great new spot to go fishing!


Painted Hydrants allows ratings

by:  Painted Fire Hydrants Group 

This is for oddly decorated fire hydrants. You must provide a photo with your log for verification of the hydrant. The puppymonster wants to know (and has to go!).


Draw Wells

by:  Old Wells Lovers 

This category looks for hand operated <b>Draw Wells</b> all around the world.


Natural Lakes

by:  Natural Lakes group 

A lake is a body of relatively still fresh or salt water of considerable size, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land.


3D Map Models of Our World and Beyond

by:  Raised Relief Maps 

3D Map Models, also called Raised Relief maps, abound both indoors and outside. These map models demonstrate topography, geography, hydrology, town or city development or provide guidance for visually impaired. The 3D Map Model may range anywhere from high precision to an abstracted interpretation; as long as they use the three factors of length, width and height. Please click on "show additional information" below to see requirements for posting in this category.

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