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Working Water Wheels allows ratings

by:  Working Water Wheels Managers 

This category is for those locations where a wheel propelled by falling or running water may be used to run machinery or decoration.


Ovens and Kilns allows ratings

by:  Oven & Kiln Managers 

Ovens (or Kilns) are places where bricks, tile, glass, coke, pottery, and other items that must be baked are processed at high temperatures.


Permanent World Fair and Expo Structures allows ratings

by:  World Fair Fanatics 

World Fairs have been around for over 150 years and their buildings and landscaping are often very innovative. This category seeks to waymark those unique, permanently built, historic places designed for World Fairs and Expositions.


Legacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors

by:  The Monks of War 

Identifying sites related to the history, remains and works of military chivalric orders and other warrior classes having spiritual influences and roots in Medieval history such as the Samurais.


New Hampshire Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Granite State History Group 

Why was an independent republic formed in 1832 within New Hampshire and where was it? Find out by visiting NH Historical Marker No. 1. What was the historic handshake commemorated by the latest official Historical Marker No. 188? Exploring state and local historic markers of the Granite State will take you on a fascinating and educational journey.


Coordinate Palindromes allows ratings

by:  Coordinate Palindromes Managers 

Palindromes are sequences that read the same backwards or forwards. The digits of a latitude / longitude form a sequence of numbers. If you can find a location on the planet where the digits of the coordinates read the same forwards or backwards, then you have a candidate for this waymarking category. Click "[show additional information]" below for more detail.


Historic Preservation Awards

by:  Europa Nostra 

Category goal is to find historic preservation award winning buildings, structures, landscapes and objects in the world.


Bridgeless Water Crossings

by:  Creek Crossers 

This is the place to record all the Bridgeless Creek, River and Stream crossings/fords in the world.


Sculpture Gardens allows ratings

by:  Sculpture Garden Managers 

A sculpture garden or sculpture park is an outdoor space designed expressly for the viewing of sculptures. An example of a famous sculpture garden would be the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden on the Mall in Washington, D.C. There are also plenty of small little known gardens in towns or on college campuses around the world.


Motorcycle Sales/Service Sites allows ratings

by:  Motorcycle Riders 

Find motorcycle dealers and shops which sell and/or service motorcycles


Maritime Museums

by:  The Old Salts 

Maritime museums from around the world.


Coin-Operated Fortune Telling Machines

by:  The Prognosticators 

Coin-operated fortune telling machines typically can be found in tourist locations and arcades, but they can also occasionally be found in bars and restaurants.


Solar System Models allows ratings

by:  Solar System Watchers 

Have you seen a permanent 3-D model of our Solar System? Waymark it here.


Hydroelectric Power Stations

by:  Hydroelectric Power Rangers 

Our goal at "hydroelectric power stations" is to locate and waymark any types of hydroelectric power stations all over the world.


Comic Book Shops

by:  Comic Book Shops 

This is a category to help all those folks needing to find some comics while out with the GPSr!


Geocaching Tour Guides

by:  Tour Directors 

New to geocaching and want some local insight into the activity? Want to meet up with another geocacher for a hunt? This is the place to go.


Portugal Geodetic Points

by:  Portugal Geodetic Points 

All survey marks or objects used by the Instituto Geográfico Português.


Art Vehicles allows ratings

by:  Vehicles on Display 

This category is for cars and trucks that have been turned into works of art.


Guinness World Records

by:  Guinness World Records 

This category is to identify Guinness World Records that have been accomplished.


Landlocked Lighthouses allows ratings

by:  Landlocked Lighthouse Lovers 

It's normal to see a lighthouse along the seashore or overlooking a harbor. But sometimes we find them where there is no water! Record these out-of-place lighthouses here. Look below for detailed waymarking and visiting requirements.


Punishment and Disciplinary Devices

by:  The Correction Unit 

We are looking for items of Corporal or Capital punishment across the world. These must be originals from bygone times (not in use today) e.g. stocks, pillories etc.


Named Farms and Ranches

by:  Farm and Ranch Hands 

This category will mark farms, ranches, vineyards, orchards or plantations that have publically displayed names. Farms or Ranches can be either privately or publicly owned . They also may or may not be able to be toured or visited.


Historic Trees allows ratings

by:  Historic Trees 

This waymark category is for individual, historic trees. An historic tree is one that was witness to an historic event, or maybe it was planted by, or otherwise directly associated with a famous historic figure. It will usually be marked by some form of plaque, noting its significance. The fact that a tree has a plaque however does not necessarily make it eligible for this category. Trees planted in honor of an historic figure, event or as a memorial will not be considered for this category.


Cave Entrances (Artificial) allows ratings

by:  Artificial Caves 

Caves that were built with manpower.


Suspension Bridges allows ratings

by:  Suspension Bridges Managers 

Aesthetic, light, and strong, suspension bridges can span distances from 2,000 to 7,000 feet -- far longer than any other kind of bridge.

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