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Wikipedia Entries allows ratings

by:  Wikipedia Entries Managers 

Many Wikipedia entries have a physical presence in the real world. This is an effort to document these locations and help reference the unique wiki content online.


U.S. National Register of Historic Places allows ratings

by:  National Register of Historic Places 

The U.S. National Register of Historic Places lists over 87,000 sites officially approved by the U.S. National Park Service as cultural resources worthy of preservation.


NRHP Historic Districts - Contributing Buildings allows ratings

by:  NRHP Geeks 

<span style="color:#ee0000;font:1.25em"> NB - see new requirements below under <i>Instructions for Posting an NRHP Historic Districts Contributing Building</i></span><br><br> This category is to list structures cast in a supporting role for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Historic Districts as 'contributing structures.'


U.S. Benchmarks allows ratings

by:  Recovered US Benchmarks 

This waymark category is for waymarking and logging any benchmarks recovered in the U.S. and other U.S. territories only.


'You Are Here' Maps

by:  "You Are Here" Managers 

We've all seen those maps at the Mall or at an Amusement Park or even around town that have a little star or some other marker and say "You Are Here," That is what we are looking for in this Category.


Dated Buildings and Cornerstones allows ratings

by:  Stone Corners 

Buildings on which the date of construction was incorporated in the fabric of the building by the builders and is clearly visible. Cornerstones are an example.


Worldwide Cemeteries

by:  Worldwide Cemetery Consortium  

To Waymark all cemeteries and final resting place locations worldwide whether it has one Grave or Thousands


This Old Church allows ratings

by:  This Old Church 

Is a church nearby a centenarian? If so, this category is the place! Here you can Waymark churches with sanctuaries at least 100 years old. Also, structures which were once the churches, but are now used for some other purpose (like a museum, library or school), may also be recorded. This category has simple, but very specific requirements. Please click on "show additional information" below to view requirements for this category before you head out to waymark the Old Church.


Fountains allows ratings

by:  Fountain MGMT Group 

Any and all type of non-drinking type fountain, and not the type of place you purchase refreshment. Indoor or outdoor, fountains with running water.


Dedicated Benches allows ratings

by:  People Who Like to Sit 

You see them most every time you go to the park. A bench with a plaque that reads, "In Memory of..." or "Dedicated To..." The purpose of this category is to waymark those benches.


Signs of History

by:  Sign Historians 

You see them everywhere-on the sides of buildings, at waysides, bolted to rocks-outdoor signs that commemorate the history of an area. WARNING: There are already many historic marker categories restricted to geographic areas, particular subjects, or official lists. If the marker you are trying to Waymark fits in one of the existing categories, it is NOT allowed here. This category was conceived to fill the gaps these other categories miss. Click on "show additional information" before posting.


Texas Historical Markers

by:  Texas Historical Markers Group 

Seek out a Texas Historical Marker. Record the coordinates, text, and a picture of the marker. If "[show additional information]" is visible below, please click it to see the full description and requirements. URGENT NOTE: Due to a site bug, you should complete the Marker Text field before Saving even if you plan to Save without Submitting. NOTE: Categorizing an Uncategorized waymark into this category will have the same bug in the Marker Text field as above. Not recommended.


Figurative Public Sculpture allows ratings

by:  Figurative Public Sculpture 

Figurative Sculpture is sculpture that is based on the human or animal figure, but NOT that of any one particular human or animal. Please click on "show additional information" below to see requirements for posting in this category.


U.S. Post Offices allows ratings

by:  U.S. Post Offices 

Our goal at U.S. Post Offices is to locate and waymark as many of these fine government establishments as possible. Large or small, we want to see them all.


News Article Locations allows ratings

by:  News Article Locations Managers 

It happened here! One of the main elements of a news article is "where" - Locate the origin of a news article and post a summary of what happened (and when).


Murals allows ratings

by:  Murals Managers 

A mural is a painting, or other art media, such as tile, applied directly on a wall, ceiling, or other large permanent surface OR large art work permanently mounted for display to such surfaces.


Official Local Tourism Attractions allows ratings

by:  Vacationing with Waymarking 

“Are you going on a vacation or business trip? Having trouble locating an interesting attraction? Look here for a comprehensive list of attractions and sightseeing options and their coordinates near your destination!”


Roman Catholic Churches allows ratings

by:  Sextons 

The Roman Catholic Church dates its origins to the first century A.D. and now has many thousands of churches in nearly every country of the world. Many of them are of historic and architectural interest, but large, small, new, old, simple or ornate they are all welcome here.


Town Clocks allows ratings

by:  Town Clocks 

The manufacture of clocks became a thriving industry in the 14th and 15th centuries. Every town soon had to have its own. Although the basic mechanism did not change during this period, the development of better ways to cut gears and to make other metal parts was an important precursor of the Industrial Revolution. Today you can still find many of these giant clocks in town centers and other important meeting spots. Find and mark a "Town Clock" that still exists in your area.


Citizen Memorials allows ratings

by:  Monuments to the people 

Many people have left a significant impact on a community, friends, and loved ones to have had a permanent memorial erected in their honour. This category is dedicated to those places around the world where you find a memorial of some kind.


Woodmen of the World Grave Markers/Monuments

by:  Woodmen of the World 

Many of these tree stump " monuments stand 4 to 5 feet high and show sawed or broken limbs traditionally symbolizing a life cut short. With this category we are trying to locate these special memorials left behind across the country. Please limit submissions to 4 markers per person in each cemetery, meaning multiple Waymarkers can each find 4 markers in the same cemetery. In addition we will also allow historical markers placed by Woodmen of the World, even those that are not cemetery markers.


U.K. and Ireland Trigpoints allows ratings

by:  UK And Ireland Trigpoints Managers 

All survey marks or objects used by the UK Ordnance Survey, Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) <br> PLEASE NOTE, THERE IS A FACILITY TO SUGGEST CHANGES TO WAYMARKS, THE UK WAYMARKERS WOULD PREFER IF YOU EMAILED THEM DIRECT IF ANY CHANGES TO THEIR WAYMARKS ARE NEEDED. THANK YOU. <P> <A HREF=""target= _blank">choose your Region from approved UK Region Map</a>


Municipal Parks and Plazas

by:  Park Patrol 

Parks, plazas and greens maintained by municipal entities


Satellite Imagery Oddities

by:  Googly Earth Seekers 

A category to waymark real-world oddities and other awesome looking sites that are seen on satellite imagery.


Statues of Historic Figures allows ratings

by:  Historic Figure Statues 

These are statues of individuals of historical importance who are immortalized with a statue of their likeness.

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