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Libraries allows ratings

by:  Libraries Managers 

A listing of active libraries from around the world!


Deutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument Registers

by:  Deutsche Denkmallisten - German Monument Registers 

Es werden Kulturdenkmale der deutschen Denkmallisten erfasst. --- Collection of the cultural monuments which are listed in the german monument registers.


Canadian Benchmarks allows ratings

by:  Canadian Benchmarks 

Canadian Benchmarks will include several types of permanently fixed survey markers, monuments or other devices that are used for taking accurate measurements within Canada.


Elevation Signs

by:  The Elevated 

A place to waymark signs that prominently display the elevation above sea level of where they are located.


Roadside Attractions allows ratings

by:  Roadside Attractions 

A Roadside Attraction is an unusual, often oversized or comical tourist attraction along side the road and is used by a community or area to present some information or history of the community or area; sometimes even just a mascot. Add the Roadside Attraction you have found in your travels across the country or around the world. This category is NOT for general tourist locations that would better fit in the Official Local Tourism Attractions category


Payphones allows ratings

by:  Payphones Managers 

Due to the mass use of cell phones nowadays, the payphone can be a rare find. Locate a working payphone and note the phone number.


Specific Veteran Memorials allows ratings

by:  Specific Veteran Memorials 

Monuments and memorials dedicated or commemorated to specific veterans or units for their outstanding careers. This can be for on duty or off duty commemorations and for single or multiple people. The specific purpose of the memorials posted in this category is to be primarily focused on a particular person or unit. This category is not for memorials which are primarily focused on a specific war(s).


Victorian Style Architecture allows ratings

by:  Victorian House Hunters 

This category is for waymarking all the varied styles and types of Victorian Buildings. Commercial and other public buildings are accepted in this category.


Penny Smashers allows ratings

by:  Elongated Coins Group 

Smashed pennies are no new kid on the memory-maker block. The World's Colombian Exposition of 1893, held in Chicago, USA to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, was the first known time that souvenir smashed coins were made for a specific event.


Photos Then and Now allows ratings

by:  Photographers of History 

Find a picture taken over 50 years ago, find the spot, and take a current picture at the same spot towards the same location.


Superlatives allows ratings

by:  Extremists 

Discover items, places, people, events, etc. that represent the extremes of their class, identified by any superlative (with a few exceptions).


American Guide Series allows ratings

by:  New Dealers 

During the Depression, the federal government employed writers in the Writers' Program of the Works Projects Administration (WPA) to compile the first comprehensive guidebooks to the United States, the American Guide Series. Guides were published for the 48 states, Alaska, and countless cities. This category is for waymarking places referred to in the series.


Starbucks Stores

by:  Starbucks Coffee Group 

A waymark category to list, locate, and describe Starbucks stores.


Rijksmonumenten - Dutch National Monuments allows ratings

by:  Guardians of the Dutch National Monuments 

The goal is to visit and Waymark the collection of the Dutch National Monuments which are listed in the Dutch National Cultural Heritage register.


Medieval Churches allows ratings

by:  Medieval Churches 

This category contains churches from the medieval times. The churches can be from any religion but the time when the church was built must be from the medieval times.


World War II Memorials / Monuments allows ratings

by:  World War 2 Memorials 

Catalog, waypoint and photograph Monuments dedicated to those who served in, or died during, WWII (World War Two).


American Civil War Monuments and Memorials allows ratings

by:  The Civil War 

This category is for monuments and memorials erected to honor those who fought in the American Civil War of 1861 to 1865. Photos are required for new waymarks and visits to existing waymarks. At least one of the photos must be a tight shot of the entire monument, top to bottom, taken from the front. Additional photos are welcome. Click on "show additional information" below to review photo and naming requirements prior to submitting waymark


Relief Art Sculptures allows ratings

by:  Relief Art Curators 

Locate and waymark all Relief Art Sculptures throughout the world, starting in your own town! (Note: Reliefs that form part of an object that falls into another category are no longer accepted). The relief MUST be a stand-alone piece of art -- not attached to or forming part of an object that can be submitted in another category (such as Frieze Art, all statue categories, all sculpture categories and any other category where relief artwork is part of a broader piece of work).


Blue Plaques allows ratings

by:  Blue Plaques Group 

A "blue plaque" is a sign attached to a house where (maybe) someone famous once lived, or placed where a notable event took place, or attached to a building that is remarkable in another way. Note: Please see additional updates below for some minor adjustment to the Requirements for this Category made on 12/27/2008.


Stained Glass Windows allows ratings

by:  Stained Glass Windows 

Permanently attached stained glass windows.


Monuments Historiques Français allows ratings

by:  Monuments historiques français 

[EN] Monument historique is a State procedure in France by which heritage protection is extended to a building or a specific part of a building, a collection of buildings or an entire neighborhood, or gardens, bridges, and other structures, because of their architectural and historical importance. [FR] En France, le classement ou l'inscription comme monument historique est une servitude d’utilité publique visant à protéger un édifice remarquable par son histoire ou son architecture.



by:  Bell Ringers 

Bells that are on public display. Static locations only that can be viewed by the public. The option for a person to be photographed with the Bell must exist to list it here successfully. Normally these would be 'ground-based' by nature but exceptions may exist. See previously accepted listings for examples.


Dated Architectural Structures Multifarious

by:  All Things Dated 

This category's mission is to seek out and document the many dated architectural structures that exist worldwide and to waymark them here as an alternative to existing categories that will not accept these dated architectural structures.


Cycling Routes allows ratings

by:   CyclingNode-maintainers 

Numbered nodes where Cycling Routes intersect. The category is meant for all Cycling Routes using any numbered system to identify the different routepoints in the world. Genummerde Fietsknooppunten waar fietsroutes elkaar kruisen.


Dedicated Trees

by:  Dedicated Trees 

A category to waymark trees dedicated to specific people.

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