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Luftwaffe Radar Ruins allows ratings

by:  Luftwaffe Radar Ruins Managers 

During World War II, German Luftwaffe (air force) built air defence radar and communication stations as part of "the Atlantikwall" A line of defense against the allied forces. Most of the sites have been demolished, but remains can still be found all over Europe (mainly the coastline countries) More info on the Luftwaffe Radar Ruins and the Atlantikwall can be found here:

Pedestrian Suspension Bridges allows ratings

by:  Pedestrian Suspension Bridges Managers 

This waymark category is for the type of pedestrian bridge which is suspended by cables. They can also be known as swinging bridges as the smaller ones swing and bounce when you walk over them!

Old Tractors allows ratings

by:  Old Tractors Managers 

This waymark is for old farm/industrial tractors that are separated into two major categories: Internal Combustion engines (either gas, diesel, kerosene, etc) or External Combustion engines (Steam engines burning any fuel type).

Working Water Wheels allows ratings

by:  Working Water Wheels Managers 

This category is for those locations where a wheel propelled by falling or running water may be used to run machinery or decoration.

Jazz Clubs allows ratings

by:  Globally Positioned Saxophones - Jazz Clubs 

If I was visiting your area, where could I go to listen to live Jazz? The more saxophones in the band the better ;)

Musician Statues allows ratings

by:  Globally Positioned Saxophones - Musician Statues 

Find a famous musician that has been immortalized as a statue. How famous? Well, if he or she is famous enough to have a statue bearing his or her likeness...I think you have your answer.

Small Town, Big Name allows ratings

by:  Small Town, Big Name Managers 

Have you ever seen the grand cities of Europe? Rome with her Colosseum, Athens with her Parthenon, London with that big clock? You haven't? Well, neither have I. But if you've ever looked at a map of the rural parts of the US (and I know you have, otherwise you wouldn't be geocaching, would you?), you'll find a London here, a Vienna there, or even the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia.

Beach Huts allows ratings

by:  Beach Huts Managers 

Some beach huts are small places to change or make a hot drink, others are more lavish with electricity and water installed as well as sleeping areas. Some are owned by private individuals (including The Queen!), and others are owned by local councils are available for hire. GC9FCF

Where's In A Name? allows ratings

by:  Where's In A Name? Managers 

A cache site that moves around the globe, takes two to log, but can be done from home! Crusso, founder.

Greenwich Meridian Markers allows ratings

by:  Greenwich Meridian Markers 

A category for marking signs or objects that mark, or claim to mark, the Greenwich Meridian

Kissmobile and Co. Sightings allows ratings

by:  Kissmobile Grp 

Locating the Hershey's Kissmobile, Oscar Mayer's Wienermobile, Kraft Heinz's Nutmobile or L.L.Bean Bootmobile.

Georgia Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Georgia Historic Markers 

Seek out a Georgia Historical Marker. Record the coordinates, text, and a picture of the marker.

Fiberglass Horses allows ratings

by:  Fiberglass Horses Managers 

Horse statues have found a place for themselves in lively little corners of plush living rooms or a stately office of golf playing executives. A wide variety and forms of horse statues are available throughout the world e.g. horse busts, chariots, lamps war horses with a bridle, horse tables, wall decor etc. Statues depicting a farm horse or a racehorse in fiberglass are a favourite amongst horse-lovers too. This is the place for uniquely painted or decorated fiberglass horses in your community

Plank Roads allows ratings

by:  Plank Roads Category Managers 

The original idea for wooden Plank Roads came from Russia to Canada in the 1830’s and became, for a short time, a popular method of road construction spreading, in the 1840’s, to the US. Some disappeared, others are now just trails, many became paved roads but in many cases the name stuck and you can still find signs to indicate that the road was once a &quot;Plank Road&quot;

Atlas Statues allows ratings

by:  Atlas Statues 

Your mission is to find a statue that is of a human figure who is holding the world (not a clock)on his shoulders.

Minor League Baseball Stadiums

by:  minor league baseball stadium group 

This category is for listing minor league baseball stadiums.

Water Towers allows ratings

by:  Water Towers Management 

Is your town's water tower a Plain Jane or is it Picturesque. As we've traveled around the world we've seen some very pretty ones and some very plain ones. What's yours like? Please state the tower name along with the city state and country in the title and two different view pictures are required to post! (ONE CLOSE-UP AND ONE DISTANCE TO SHOW THE TOWER IN IT'S SETTING TO SHOW PERSPECTIVE.2 photos of the tower simply zoomed in or out will not be accepted.)

Relocated Structures allows ratings

by:  Relocated Structures Managers 

Find a structure that has been moved from one site to another. It can be a building, bridge, arch, or other man-made structure that has been relocated in its lifetime. Collect waypoints for both the CURRENT and ORIGINAL locations of the item. If it has moved multiple times, be sure to note all locations where it has been.

Botanical Gardens allows ratings

by:  Botanical Gardens Managers 

Go and visit your local Botanical Garden - A great way to find some peace &amp; quiet in the city...

Lincoln Highway Markers allows ratings

by:  Lincoln Highway Markers Managers 

The Lincoln Highway was the first coast-to-coast &quot;motor road&quot; for automobiles in the US. Along the route there were/are many directional markers to guide travelers and many landmark structures built to shelter and service the motoring public. The mission of this locationless cache is to find and record as many of these markers and landmarks as possible.

Lavoir (wash houses) allows ratings

by:  Lavoir (wash houses) Managers 

[EN] Before the advent of affordable washing appliances, laundry was usually done in purpose-built wash houses. This is a place to post the locations of these public wash houses located around the world. [FR] Un lavoir est un bassin public alimenté en eau détournée d'une source ou d'un cours d'eau, en général couvert, où les lavandières lavaient le linge. L'utilisation des lavoirs a été progressivement abandonnée au XXe siècle.

Coastal Lighthouses allows ratings

by:  Historical Coastal Lighthouse Group 

Find a Lighthouse of Historical nature that was used to guide ships along the waterways of the world. Try to include the history of the light, including the lens used. DO NOT COPY TEXT OR PHOTOS FROM OTHER WEBSITES! MOST SITES ARE COPYRIGHTED AND IT IS ILLEGAL TO DO THIS.

Disguised Cell Towers allows ratings

by:  Disguised Cell Tower Seekers 

Locate a cellular tower that does not look like a typical tower. ONLY TOWERS THAT ARE DISGUISED WILL BE ACCEPTED! No towers that are color blended or just painted the same as the structure will be allowed.

Water Mills allows ratings

by:  Water Mills 

This category collect all water mills.

Airports allows ratings

by:  Air Traffic Controllers 

A tract of leveled land where aircraft can take off and land, usually equipped with hard-surfaced landing strips, a control tower, hangars, aircraft maintenance and refueling facilities, and accommodations for passengers and cargo. Also aircraft carries at sea are considered airports. ** Click on 'More Details' for posting and logging requirements **

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