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Kissmobile and Co. Sightings allows ratings

by:  Kissmobile Grp 

Locating the Hershey's Kissmobile, Oscar Mayer's Wienermobile, Kraft Heinz's Nutmobile or L.L.Bean Bootmobile.


Luftwaffe Radar Ruins allows ratings

by:  Luftwaffe Radar Ruins Managers 

During World War II, German Luftwaffe (air force) built air defence radar and communication stations as part of "the Atlantikwall" A line of defense against the allied forces. Most of the sites have been demolished, but remains can still be found all over Europe (mainly the coastline countries) More info on the Luftwaffe Radar Ruins and the Atlantikwall can be found here:


Shot Towers allows ratings

by:  Shot Towers 

In 1783, William Watts of Bristol took out a patent for a process "for making small shot perfectly globular in form and without dimples, notches and imperfections which other shot hereto manufactured usually have on their surface". By pouring lead into a sieve, and letting it cool as it falls, the lead forms into a perfect sphere before falling into a water tank at the bottom.


Ice Age Trail allows ratings

by:  Ice Age Trail Managers 

The goal of this waymark is to have waymarkers log their hikes with hopes of documenting hikes on every segment of the 600+ mile long Wisconsin Ice Age Trail System.


Giant 24 h Vending Machines

by:  Secret Shoppers 

Giant 24 h Vending Machines offer 24-hour access to as many as 200 items, including anything from milk to a six-pack of soda, batteries, iPod download cards, and health and beauty aids, in a freestanding, self-service, outdoor units.


Norske postkontor (Norwegian Post Offices)

by:  Norske postkontor (Norwegian Post Offices) 

<p><b><font color="#FF0000">Norsk:</font></b></p> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">Samle bevis for eksistensen av typiske norske postkontor av den gode gamle sorten - før alle forsvinner.</p> </blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000"><b>English:</b></font></p> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">Collecting proof of existence of typical Norwegian post offices of the good old kind - before they all vanish.</p> </blockquote>

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