founder: briansnat
date created: 04/11/2007
no. of members: 44
description/mission statement:
To waymark historic battlefields throughout the world. Anything from major battles like Waterloo and Gettysburg, to minor local skirmishes. To be eligible the battlefield could now be an historic park, or at minimum highlighted by an historic marker that can be photographed. Battlefield waymarks should include mention of the war in which it occurred, the date(s) it occurred, the participating armies, major players (officers) if known, the result (who won) and any other historic background available.

open enrollment: OFF

This group manages the following:
Total Records: 1 - Page: 1 of 1
Icon Category Name Date Created  
Battlefields allows ratings 04/15/2007
Officer List
Total Records: 5 - Page: 1 of 1
briansnat - Leader
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call number: 1
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no message
BruceS - Prime Minister
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call number: 4
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MatthewCat - Brigadier General
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call number: 41
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pmaupin - Brigadier General
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call number: 42
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no message
Outspoken1 - Brigadier General
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call number: 46
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