founder: caverspencer
date created: 02/23/2007
no. of members: 27
description/mission statement:
Description: A weather station is a group of instruments for measuring atmospheric conditions, usually in a support structure which protects some of the equipment from harsh conditions. Expanded Description: A weather station is a facility with instruments and equipment to make weather observations by monitoring atmospheric conditions to study the weather. Typical weather stations have the following instruments: * thermometer for measuring temperature * barometer for measuring barometric pressure * hygrometer for measuring humidity * anemometer for measuring wind speed * wind vane for measuring wind direction * rain gauge for measuring precipitation Except for those instruments requiring direct exposure to the elements (anemometer, rain gauge), the instruments should be sheltered in a vented box (usually a Stevenson screen) to keep direct sunlight off the thermometer and wind off the hygrometer. The instrumentation may be specialized to allow for periodic recording otherwise significant manual labour is required for record keeping. Automatic transmission of data, in a format such as METAR, is also desirable as many weather station's data is required for weather forecasting. (via Instructions for Posting a Waymark in this Category: 1) The stations must be full weather stations. Not single weather vanes or thermometers. 2) A clear photo of the station is required to be posted to the waymark page. 3) The coordinates must be for the weather station itself. If the station area cannot be reached because it is closed to the public for safety reasons, use the designated viewing area for that station. Please do not submit coordinates derived from the Internet. 4) Related web site or research material that will enhance the WM is always strongly encouraged. 5) If you log this WM before it is approved, it can be justification for a declined notice. Instructions for Visiting a Waymark in this Category: You must post Waymark coordinates as well as a picture of you with a GPSr or Geocaching/Waymarking attire/equipment and the subject weather station in the background. The main photo should be of just the weather station itself. Category Settings: * Waymarks can be added to this category * New waymarks of this category are reviewed by the category group prior to approval * Category is visible in the directory Variables: * Photo of the Weather Station by itself? * Type of Station * Station Designation (METAR/AIM/ICAO location code)

open enrollment: ON

This group manages the following:
Total Records: 1 - Page: 1 of 1
Icon Category Name Date Created  
Weather Stations allows ratings 06/21/2007
Officer List
Total Records: 4 - Page: 1 of 1
caverspencer - Creator
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call number: 1
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robbdogg120 - Officer 2
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call number: 3
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Math Teacher - Officer 2
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call number: 9
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Th4tGuy - Officer 3
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call number: 6
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