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description/mission statement:
To Waymark those old, beautiful hand operated water pumps found in market squares, old streets, and historical sites.
Old hand operated water pumps were used to supply water prior to the widespread use of windmill pumps, electric pumps and city water systems.This category seeks to Waymark those pumps that were in use during the 19th century and earlier. No modern pumps accepted. Typically these are found in market squares, small streets in the old part of town and often now at historical sites. They were very important to people up through the 19th century as houses seldom had indoor plumbing with running water. During that time you would often find hand operated pumps throughout towns and on farms. People would pump the water into buckets and carry them to their houses for to use in cooking and cleaning. Sometimes you will still find an old stone basin near the pumps where, in some towns, once a week women came to do the laundry. And, unfortunately, sometimes these old pumps also spread sickness, such as cholera in parts of the city. It is these relics from the past we seek to Waymark.
open enrollment: OFF
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