The Herd
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description/mission statement:
This group will help mark and publicize the many Nature Centers (now often called Interpretive Nature Center) that our local, state, and national governments run. Nature Centers can also can be found in smaller, sometimes non-profit, organizations. These centers are buildings that house our natural and cultural history. The goal of many Nature Centers is to raise awareness to environmental issues locally, and to provide local, natural and cultural, history regarding the site that they are established on. Many Nature Centers offer year round nature programs and hikes led by their staff of Interpretive Naturalists. Nature Centers are often a great treasure troves of live animal and informative displays. Nature parks that may offer some of these features, without a specific building where these exhibits can be found can be considered for submission, but may be better suited for the parks/preserves category.
Note: Interpretive Programs can be treated the same as educational programs. Just merely a style of presentation of the educational materials. Visit the National Association for Interpretation (www.interpnet.com) for more information regarding interpretation.
open enrollment: ON
This group manages the following: