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description/mission statement:
This category has been created to Waymark the central government building of a country or a state, provincial or equivalent principle division of a country. This is not for counties, municipalities, local governments or other smaller divisions of territory.
Capitols are a unique reflection of the people, culture, and society of the of of which they are the seat of government. Whether a national capitol or that of a state, province or other equivalent jurisdiction, they are representation of the people of a nation of a state or province, its history, its government structure, and its culture.
Each of these capitols are unique and historic and should be waymarked and visited.
The distinction between capitol and capital is very important. A capitol is a building that serves as the seat of government for a nation, state, province or equivalent. A capital is a town or city that serves as a seat of government is spelled capital.
open enrollment: OFF
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