
date created:
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description/mission statement:
Tintin by Hergé is one of the most popular and beloved comics in Europe and probably many other countries of the world. In Europe, Belgium has a strong tradition for comics, and the stories about Tintin are part of this tradition.
The comic's clean and precise drawings are one of the characteristics of these comics. One of the remarkable details of the stories is the way Hergé made drawings based on his studies of real life objects or locations. It could be buildings, like the Marlinspike Castle, which is almost a true copy of Chateau de Cherverny in Northern France. But also cars, statues, landscapes, etc.
The purpose for a Tintin group would be to document these locations or objects. Many of them are described in books or on websites. But for a Waymarker, it would be a pleasure to document them with photos compared to the drawings, or to visit these locations.
Another aspect of the group would be to document wherever a Tintin statue, painting, figure, mural, etc. is to be found. These should be on permanent display and publicly accessible.
We do not want to document if a Tintin album can be bought in a book store, as that would be very likely in most countries everywhere in Europe and perhaps also in the USA and Canada. But if a shop is specially dedicated to Tintin, like The Tintin Shop in London, or the comic store Faraos Cigarer (The Cigars of Pharaoh) in Copenhagen, it belongs in this category. But if you find a Tintin comic in a highly unexpected or stange place (like in a little grocery in the middle of the jungle, desert, whatever), it might be included in the category after the officers have discussed it. Also Tintin museums or exhibitions could be documented here.
So get to the keyboard you lousy Baboons, vandals and blistering barnacles ****! and join this group!
open enrollment: ON
This group manages the following: