founder: NickTnReb
date created: 05/19/2008
no. of members: 21
description/mission statement:
To waymark/list the graves of soldiers of the American Civil War. Graves can be of noted fame or not just as long as there is proof of some sort showing veteran status.

open enrollment: ON

Category Status: The American Civil War Grave Sites/Cemeteries category has been created (with variables).

Officer List
Total Records: 5 - Page: 1 of 1
gparkes - Five-Star General
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call number: 16
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no message
NickTnReb - General
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call number: 1
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no message
TopSnipe42 - Colonel
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call number: 5
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no message
Sprinterman - Lt. Colonel
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call number: 6
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no message
lilluckyclover - Major
[view profile]

call number: 3
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no message