date created:
no. of members:
description/mission statement:
The dry stone hut gathers a whole bunch of constructions that we call differently from one region to another. One finds under this same generic term bories, boris, bôrie, bory, baraque, cabote, cadole, capitelle, caselle, cabana, cabanya, chabane, chebana, tsabana, tsabano, tsabone, cabanon poin, cabanoun pountchou, capitèle, ...
Some of these buildings used to store tools, were places of life, simple shelters, sheepfolds, protection for water tanks, ...
Many of these constructions were round, had a very low entrance and a conical ceiling. The most complex have two levels (one floor) but non-communicating. One entry for the lower part and another for the upper part.
Whatever the local name and usage, the determining points are
* A shelter (tools, animals, shepherd, sharpener, ...),
* A stone masonry, without mortar,
* Use of local extraction stones,
* A stone vault
* If a window exists, it remains open, without closing, without glass.
The top of the door is either carrying a lintel of stone or wood, or a keyed arch.
They are part of a rural architecture by:
* Their location in the countryside,
* Their integration into the dry-stone development of cultivated fields (walls, piles of stone, paths, etc.)
* Their essentially agricultural or pastoral functions,
* Their mode of occasional, temporary or seasonal use
They are not architectures
* Funerary (chambers under cairn, mycenaean tombs, ...)
* Military (nurague, ...)
* Domestic (chalcolithic huts, ...) of Prehistory and Antiquity
The mortar. It is tolerated in construction only if it is used very little for the following uses:
* Protection of a niche in which the food was placed
* Reinforcement of a window, of the door
* Summary repair
A building with the collapsed roof can be validated but must still have its walls.
* (visit link) * (visit link) * (visit link) * Constructions with roofs of straw, planks, branches
* Construction using a binder (mortar, mud, etc.)
* Main residential constructions
* Buildings too collapsed (walls must be present)
* Quarry stone constructions
* Constructions with closed windows
* Constructions that are not used as shelters (stone retaining walls, gabions, etc.)
* Constructions serving exclusively as fences
* Defensive, military constructions
Instruction for posting a new Waymark
1) The name:
The name of the waymark is as follows:
Local name given to this type construction followed by Name of construction - City - Region / State - Country
Sugar Loaf Bori - Manosque - Paca - France
The Jas of Terres du Roux - Contadour - Paca - France
La Cabane de Malet - Souvignargues - Gard - Occitania - France
Barraca de Pere Roll - Puig-reig - Catalunya - España
Beehive hut - Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry - Southern Ireland (Eire)
2) Quick description
* Description of the supposed use (habitat of shepherd, storage of tools, aiguier, ...)
* Description of the construction by its shape (round, square, length, ...) its height (wall and ridge)
* Description of the environment (fields, grazing, ...)
3) Long description
- The use
Please indicate the use of this construction if you know or can deduct it.
- history
You can tell here the history of the place, its restoration, ... if you have found trace in the archives, website of the commune, associations of preservation of the heritage, ...
- The pictures
You must post at least 2 external photos
You can add more photos in close-up, or indoors.
- the language
You will be able to propose your waymark in the local language (Greek, Italian, French, Spanish, ...) but you MUST also propose the English translation of your description.
open enrollment: ON
Category Status: Your group's category, Hut in dry stones has been denied by the waymarking community.