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description/mission statement:
The aim of this category “Swedish Heritage” is to promoting the educational potential of Waymarking.
To create a waymark in this category you have to choose a location accepted by The National Heritage Board. (http://www.raa.se/ourmission/index.asp).
The National Heritage Board describes places to visit in the following way on its homepage:
“Stone circles from the Bronze Age, medieval manors, castles and burial sites - Sweden has a wealth of places to visit with cultural-historical significance. Discover traces from the past and get inspired to learn more about our cultural heritage.” This description could also be the motto of this category.
To get a waymark accepted in this category it has to be in the registry of the National Heritage Board. An introduction to the registry (in Swedish):
In a close future the registry will be on the Internet. But on every economic map you will find the markings of a rune R, that means that it is an official ancient monument.
Also buildings will be accepted in this category. It must be an building in the registry that you will find on the internet. First you have to get a login, but its free and easy to do so.
To get a Waymark accepted in this category you have to do the follwing:
Chose a location that is in the registry of the Swedish National Heritage Board.
Wright a description in English to allow non Swedish visitors to log. You can also provide a description in Swedish if you like to, but the English text is a requirement.
Each waymark also have to provide at least one picture and if possible a map.
open enrollment: OFF