founder: André de Montbard
date created: 06/19/2019
no. of members: 12
description/mission statement:
Present the tradition of a maypole all over the world. It is part of our cultural heritage and tradition and the maypoles are very attractive foto objects.

open enrollment: ON

Category Status: The Maypoles over the world category has been created (with variables).

Officer List
Total Records: 4 - Page: 1 of 1
André de Montbard - Leader
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call number: 1
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no message
Windego1 - Officer 2
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call number: 2
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no message
CADS11 - Officer 2
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call number: 3
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no message
*Team Krombaer* - Officer 2
[view profile]

call number: 4
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no message