founder: Great4Fun
date created: 01/14/2022
no. of members: 7
description/mission statement:
Vroeger waren Hofleveranciers letterlijk ondernemers die aan het Hof leverden. Die tijd ligt achter ons, maar nog steeds word je niet zomaar Hofleverancier. Zo moet je onderneming onder andere minimaal 100 jaar bestaan en in al die jaren een onberispelijke bedrijfsvoering gehad hebben. Bijna 600 bedrijven in Nederland hebben het predicaat Hofleverancier. In the past, purveyors to the court were literally entrepreneurs who supplied the court. That time is behind us, but you still don't just become a purveyor to the Royal Household. For example, your company must have existed for at least 100 years and have had impeccable business operations in all those years. Nearly 600 companies in the Netherlands have the title Purveyor to the Court.

open enrollment: ON

Category Status: The Hofleveranciers / Royal warrant holders category has been created (without variables).

Officer List
Total Records: 4 - Page: 1 of 1
Great4Fun - Leader
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call number: 1
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no message
dreamhummie - Andre 61
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call number: 3
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Bitte ein Bit 🍺 🤪
Andre 61 - Andre 61
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call number: 4
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no message
T-Team! - Andre 61
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call number: 5
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no message