founder: Torgut
date created: 09/20/2008
no. of members: 4
description/mission statement:
Every major city has its old classic cafes. They are a piece of the community heritage, sometimes even of national importance. In these places, generation after generation, major discussions went on. In some cases revolutions and plots were prepared. Culture was developed. Philosophy was eagerly discussed. I think a category covering this historical places should be created. Let's work on this.

open enrollment: OFF
Officer List
Total Records: 4 - Page: 1 of 1
Torgut - Leader
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call number: 1
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VespaFriendsAlgarve - Officer 2
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call number: 2
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manchanegra - Officer 2
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call number: 3
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Please wait a couple of days before you have your waymark reviewed. If it takes more than a week, please mail me.
Insano - Officer 2
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call number: 4
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