founder: Rikitan
date created: 11/06/2013
no. of members: 6
description/mission statement:
Group of waymarkers fascinated by thunderstorms and power of lightnings. Let's find out and waymark their traces - remains of structures, trees and other places, obviously damaged by lightning. Or sites with (officially, by word) documented strike of lightning, either to building, other artificial structure, natural object, or even person. This is the mission of our group - document these places all over the world.

open enrollment: ON
Officer List
Total Records: 3 - Page: 1 of 1
Rikitan - Perun
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call number: 1
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no message
lumbricus - Lightning chaser
[view profile]

call number: 2
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Review Break
Windego1 - Thunder chaser
[view profile]

call number: 3
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no message