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description/mission statement:
The 3D Waymarkers is unique in the fact that it is not just about the waymark, but about the waymarker as well. 3D photography is a specialized form of picture taking that anyone with a camera can do with some practice and a little luck. You might already have taken pictures that could be made into a 3D image and not even know it! All it takes is two pictures of the same image, one is just a little off to one side then the other. Load them into a 3D program and you could create several types of 3D images. A search on the web will result in different ways to take the images, plus free programs to compile them. 3D waymarkers can make (once we have enough officers to create a new catagory)a new waymark of an existing one already in another category, as long as the image uploaded for the new waymark is in 3D. Since not everyone is into 3D photography, visitors to a 3D Waymark are still free to just take a picture to show there visit. So show your artwork and let others see a world they can almost reach out and touch!
open enrollment: ON