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Man-made Heavenly Locations
Description: Pending
Date Created: 11/16/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Pretzel Vendors
Description: Pending
Date Created: 11/15/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Description: zx
Date Created: 11/13/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Nordic Heritage Managers
Description: Mission of this group should be the creation and maintenance of a "Nordic Registered Heritage" category for the scandinavian countries Denmark, Finnland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, the Faroe islands and the Åland isles. Scandinavia is rich...
Date Created: 11/13/2022
Category Managed: Nordic Heritage
Members: 16
Description: TESTBUG
Date Created: 11/11/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Description: test
Date Created: 11/11/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Test one
Description: testaaaa
Date Created: 11/11/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
City Names
Description: [ES] La misión de este grupo es gestionar la categoría de nombres de ciudades hechos con letras gigantes. [EN] The mission of this group is manage the "city names in giant letters" category
Date Created: 11/10/2022
Category Managed: City Names in Giant Letters
Members: 17
Description: Test
Date Created: 11/07/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: ali
Date Created: 11/04/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: Highlight Banksy murals and art pieces around the world
Date Created: 10/25/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Iglesias, Ermitas, Santuarios, Conventos, Monasterios... Católicos
Description: En este grupo entrarían todos los edificios que sean o fueron católicos, estén o no en uso, tales como conventos, monasterios, iglesias, ermitas, santuarios, parroquias, catedrales, etc, etc.
Date Created: 10/22/2022
Category Managed: Catedral, Concatedral, Basílica, Iglesia, Ermita, Convento, Monasterio
Members: 8
Fun with flags
Description: There is a niche for a category to waymark the flags of the different countries and state/provinces. We like to make a list of all country flags and flags of the first-level administrative divisions of countries. This group will manage the state/provincial/nationals...
Date Created: 10/09/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Description: A group to create a category which documents cenotaph gravestones worldwide.
Date Created: 09/08/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Pancake Lovers
Description: The aim of this group is to create and manage a category for independant and regional chains pancake and crepe restaurants.
Date Created: 08/21/2022
Category Managed: Pancake and Crepe Restaurants
Members: 13
3D Building Molders
Description: This group is created to create and manage the "3d printed buildings and structures" as mentioned in the forums
Date Created: 08/19/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 7
Description: Your mission is to waymark locations for a permanent Footgolf course. The location must be a permanent facility specifically for the sport. A sport in which players kick an association football (soccer) ball into a cup in as few shots as possible.
Date Created: 08/11/2022
Category Managed: Footgolf Courses
Members: 4
Scouts Australia Locations
Description: To help show Scout Halls And other Scouts Australia locations in Australia
Date Created: 07/09/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Description: Waymarks at Railway Stations worldwide
Date Created: 02/26/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Memorial Benches
Date Created: 02/25/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Capitol Buildings (former)
Description: To create a category to document, record, and mark currently standing buildings that once served as the capitol of a state, province, or country. Currently, former capitol buildings are not accepted in the Capitol Buildings category. Therefore, this new category...
Date Created: 02/02/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Oscar winners
Description: This group is a fun group, searching for monuments, buildings, streets, pieces of art etc which bear the names of Oscar winning movies.
Date Created: 01/30/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Jaume Plensa art
Description: In 2019 there was Sanna, one of his characteristic elongated women's heads made of granite. This young girl also expresses reflection and stillness, in an increasingly hectic society.
Date Created: 01/20/2022
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Hofleveranciers / Royal warrant holders
Description: Vroeger waren Hofleveranciers letterlijk ondernemers die aan het Hof leverden. Die tijd ligt achter ons, maar nog steeds word je niet zomaar Hofleverancier. Zo moet je onderneming onder andere minimaal 100 jaar bestaan en in al die jaren een onberispelijke...
Date Created: 01/14/2022
Category Managed: Hofleveranciers / Royal warrant holders
Members: 7
Good Vibe Tribe
Description: To record and document any and all Medical and/or Recreational Cannabis Dispensaries around the world.
Date Created: 12/14/2021
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
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