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Corporate Oversight Committee
Description: This Group will manage the Corporate Headquarters Category.
Date Created: 09/20/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Costco Wholesale warehouse group
Description: To get Costco on the map like other supermarkets/warehouses stores are on Waymarking
Date Created: 08/30/2021
Category Managed: Costco Wholesale
Members: 12
Council Chambers
Description: A Group for waymarks that take you to a Council Chamber or building!
Date Created: 02/10/2009
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Counting and Measuring Displays
Description: This group will create and manage a category for Counting and Measuring Displays.
Date Created: 08/13/2019
Category Managed: Counting and Measuring Displays
Members: 16
Country Churches
Description: Those very rural churches that are found in the country. These can NOT be TOWN churches. A farm may be nearby. Because usually they are. They can be ANY DENOMINATION and they can be in use or no longer used. Wayside churches do NOT fall into this category....
Date Created: 05/20/2006
Category Managed: Country Churches
Members: 17
Court Jesters
Description: To create a category for Courthouses.
Date Created: 01/09/2007
Category Managed: Courthouses
Members: 46
Covered Bridges
Description: Whether in daily use or simply there to be explored, covered bridges are a unique feature of the landscape, taking us back to a distant time and place. This group will manage the covered bridge Category
Date Created: 04/05/2006
Category Managed: Covered Bridges
Members: 35
Covered Wagons Lovers
Description: This group will manage the Covered Wagons category.
Date Created: 04/06/2006
Category Managed: Covered Wagons
Members: 14
Cracker Barrel Restaurants
Description: This group will document all Cracker Barrel Restaurants wherever they are located.
Date Created: 06/17/2007
Category Managed: Cracker Barrel Restaurants
Members: 13
Craig, Alaska - Culture and History
Description: Started by students at Craig Middle School during the 2007 Middle School Conference - Technology and Tradition - this groups purpose is to create a list of waymarks highlighting the local culture and natural history that will serve as a guide to our town of...
Date Created: 03/08/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Crawler Tractors
Description: This group seeks out bulldozers and other tracked construction equipment that are placed on display for the public to see, restored or otherwise.
Date Created: 06/26/2014
Category Managed: Crawler Tractor
Members: 10
Crazy Roadside Signs
Description: To locate and photograph odd,funny and unusual signs.These signs should be of the permanant type;Roadside signs,Street signs,or Business signs.
Date Created: 01/30/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 8
Creation Science Museums
Description: To locate all museums which scientifically promote the Biblical origin of man and the earth.
Date Created: 08/18/2008
Category Managed: Creation Science Museums
Members: 10
Creek Crossers
Description: Our mission is to manage the "Bridgeless Water Crossings" category and to have fun playing the game!
Date Created: 09/06/2007
Category Managed: Bridgeless Water Crossings
Members: 14
Crenels & Merlons
Description: To Waymark beautiful and decorative Battlements.
Date Created: 01/22/2011
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Description: To create a list of cricket pitches around the world.
Date Created: 03/02/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Croatian Geodetic Points
Description: Croatian Benchmarks and Geodetic Points.
Date Created: 01/17/2011
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Cruise Ship Ports
Description: Cruising by ship is a very relaxing way to vacation. This group is dedicated to showing and sharing the many wonderful and some not so wonderful places you can cruise to.
Date Created: 12/16/2007
Category Managed: Cruise Ship Ports
Members: 15
Culture club
Description: To control Waymark World Heritage and possibly other WM:s supporting natural and cultural values.
Date Created: 05/31/2006
Category Managed: World Heritage Sites
Members: 14
Curators of Science
Description: Science museums of all types around the world
Date Created: 06/29/2006
Category Managed: Science Museums
Members: 17
Curling Clubs
Description: This waymark is dedicated to finding and logging every curling club in the world. Curling is a very fast growing sport and new clubs are showing up all over the world. Please submit a photo of the club and some general information about the club. How long...
Date Created: 05/30/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Curling Clubs Managers
Description: This group manages the Curling Clubs category.
Date Created: 06/15/2006
Category Managed: Curling Clubs
Members: 14
Curry Hunters
Description: To seek out all Indian Restaurants that serve the masses! An Indian Restaurant is one that serves curry as its main dish, not another type of restaurant that just happens to have the odd curry dish on its menu.
Date Created: 03/23/2011
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
Custom Mappers
Description: We will collect the locations of downloadable custom maps.
Date Created: 03/03/2010
Category Managed: Custom Mapped locations
Members: 10
Customs Agents
Description: This group will oversee categories related to passport cancellation stations at parks and protected areas.
Date Created: 03/08/2009
Category Managed: State Park Passport Locations
Members: 13
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