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Description: To find and document all commercial alchohol distilleries worldwide.
Date Created: 05/05/2015
Category Managed: Distilleries
Members: 12
Dive Sites
Description: Manage the Dive Sites Category.
Date Created: 05/19/2006
Category Managed: Dive Sites
Members: 11
Diving platforms
Description: Waymark all diving platforms out there, man-made and higher than 9ft.
Date Created: 06/08/2012
Category Managed: Diving Platforms
Members: 10
Dixie Highway Patrolmen
Description: To promote awareness of the national significance of the Dixie Highway, as the first highway to link the rural American South to the urban North.
Date Created: 04/14/2007
Category Managed: Dixie Highway
Members: 13
Dockside Restaurants
Description: To document the unique eateries around the world that have a dockside entrance to their establishment. The restaurants can have both dockside and land access but they MUST have a place to tie up your boat.
Date Created: 09/03/2007
Category Managed: Dockside Restaurants
Members: 18
Doctor Who
Description: Waymarks to do with doctor who, the longest sci-fi show.
Date Created: 07/20/2016
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Date Created: 07/04/2016
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Dog Friendly Hotels
Description: To help the Waymarking community document the location of Dog Friendly Hotels around the world.
Date Created: 06/07/2006
Category Managed: Dog Friendly Hotels
Members: 19
Dog Friendly Restaurants
Description: To help the Waymarking community document the location of Dog Friendly Restaurants around the world.
Date Created: 06/07/2006
Category Managed: Dog-Friendly Restaurants
Members: 3
Dog Friendly RV Parks
Description: Our mission is a simple one, to locate and waymark all RV (recreational vehicle) parks that are dog friendly. Many of us have dogs that are really just part of the family(Known as fur babies)and we need to know the RV parks that welcome them. An...
Date Created: 12/20/2015
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Dog Statues Managers
Description: This group manages the Dog Statues category. Our team hopes to waypoint these statues around the world. Feel free to join our team. Feline applicants may be chased around the room. Sorry, old habits and all.
Date Created: 06/15/2006
Category Managed: Dog Statues
Members: 22
Dog Walkers
Description:  As far as reviewing new waymarks goes, main points I think need to be kept consistent: 1. Titles of waymarks should be kept descriptive (name or location of park, city, country) 2. Coordinates should be for...
Date Created: 03/30/2006
Category Managed: Off-Leash Dog Areas
Members: 21
Description: To help the Waymarking community document the location of Dog Friendly Hotels around the world.
Date Created: 05/30/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Description: To locate and waymark independent hardware stores around the world.
Date Created: 12/22/2008
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Do-It-Yourself Group
Description: A group that manages the Home Depot category
Date Created: 08/15/2008
Category Managed: None
Members: 9
Dollars for DalĂ­
Description: A group to waymark Contemporary art gallery. These are galleries which sell artwork, not to be confused by art museums, which do not.
Date Created: 06/27/2007
Category Managed: Art Galleries
Members: 13
Dome Heads
Description: To catalog, photograph and record the inside of domes with a decidedly artistic appeal. The insides of these domes have to be works of art and not plain and unappealing. This is not for the architecture but for the art.
Date Created: 02/09/2011
Category Managed: Domes of the (Under) World
Members: 20
Domino's Pizza
Description: Domino's Pizza is an international pizza delivery corporation headquartered just outside Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. It was founded by Tom Monaghan in 1960. As of 2006, it had 8,000 corporate and franchised stores in more than 54 countries. It...
Date Created: 09/01/2007
Category Managed: Domino's Pizza
Members: 15
Donators of Trees & Benches
Description: There are many <b>donated Trees and Benches</b> out there. Find and Waymark them to honor the donators!
Date Created: 08/23/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Doughnut Holes
Description: To mark the locations of independent doughnut shops around the world
Date Created: 01/23/2007
Category Managed: Independent Doughnut Shops
Members: 11
Doves of peace Managers
Description: The aim of this group is to give the peace doves of this world a common home in the "Doves of peace" category.
Date Created: 09/14/2017
Category Managed: Doves of peace
Members: 16
Drive-By Waymarking
Description: To create a category for drive-by waymarking in conjunction with google street view and similar online map sources.
Date Created: 08/18/2015
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Drive-In Movie Theaters Managers
Description: This group manages the Drive-In Movie Theaters category.
Date Created: 06/15/2006
Category Managed: Drive-In Movie Theaters
Members: 18
Dunkin Donuts
Description: With over 11,000 stores in 33 countries, Dunkin Donuts is one of the most familiar donut and coffee shops in the world. Each location deserves a waymark!
Date Created: 12/03/2007
Category Managed: Dunkin Donuts'
Members: 24
DUP Marker Group
Description: This is the group that will manage the category for waymarking all historic markers placed by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Organization, which can be found worldwide.
Date Created: 01/18/2008
Category Managed: D.U.P. Historic Markers
Members: 16
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