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Stitch in time
Description: This group will be set up with the objective of creating and managing a new waymarking category that will be about publicly displayed quilts.
Date Created: 10/23/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Stitch Watchers
Description: To Manage the Quilt Show Category
Date Created: 09/16/2007
Category Managed: Quilt Shows
Members: 3
Stolpernde Steine
Description: Mission of this group is to keep up and improve quality of the "Stolpersteine" category.
Date Created: 05/15/2009
Category Managed: Stolpersteine
Members: 29
Stone Corners
Description: To manage the cornerstones and dated buildings category
Date Created: 10/16/2008
Category Managed: Dated Buildings and Cornerstones
Members: 42
Stone hut assembled without mortar
Description: A group to manage the category of the same name. The accepted definition is : a type of rural building, built entirely without mortar, with local extraction stones, and used as a shelter Temporary or seasonal to the cultivator of the eighteenth and...
Date Created: 01/26/2017
Category Managed: Stone hut assembled without mortar
Members: 12
Stone Skulls Hunters
Description: This group will manages the coming "Stone Skulls" category. You can see what the waymark of this category would show there => Join this group ! and tell me if you want to be officer ! <a...
Date Created: 06/03/2016
Category Managed: Stone Skulls
Members: 12
Store churches
Description: This group is to manage the storefront churches category.
Date Created: 09/01/2008
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Stored Up
Description: Manage Convenience Store Catagories such as 7-11s
Date Created: 04/23/2008
Category Managed: 7-Eleven Stores
Members: 14
Stormwalker99 - Waymarks
Description: Hier wird Stormwalker99 alle seine Waymarker-Kollegen haben. Aber auch neue können vorbeischauen!
Date Created: 02/22/2014
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Street Planners
Description: Abbey Road in London is famous through its Beatle association. But how many other Abbey Roads are there in the world? And what are they notorious for?
Date Created: 06/29/2009
Category Managed: Abbey Road
Members: 5
Strong Men Manager
Description: This group's mission is to find the strong men that have marked their environment and so to honor them.
Date Created: 06/17/2015
Category Managed: Strong Mens Memorials
Members: 8
Submerged Communities
Description: Submerged Communities are town's, villages, hamlet's or any other type of established areas of human existence who are wholley or partial submerged due to the construction of a dam or natural disaster that caused wide spread flooding. All efforts should...
Date Created: 08/26/2009
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Succulents and Cacti
Description: This Group is for the creation and managment of a Waymark Category to list Succulent and Cactus Gardens. New members are welcome, and invited to discuss and help create the new Category. Not sure as of yet if there should be two different...
Date Created: 02/16/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Sugar Junkies
Description: A candy store sells confectionery such as chocolates, sweetmeats, taffy, and hard candy and is usually targeted to children or tourists. The selection is often novel and offers special regional treats that can be tough to find anywhere else. In this category...
Date Created: 01/26/2007
Category Managed: Candy Stores
Members: 16
Summit Registers Managers
Description: This group manages the Summit Registers category, and is currently available for adoption. Join the category to take over management, or visit the Waymarking Forums for more information.
Date Created: 06/15/2006
Category Managed: Summit Registers
Members: 17
Sun Kings
Description: This group manages the Solar Power Category for locations where solar energy is harvested as an alternative to other sources.
Date Created: 07/18/2007
Category Managed: Solar Power
Members: 16
Sundial Hunters
Description: To find and waymark all the sundials in the known universe.
Date Created: 06/03/2006
Category Managed: Sundials
Members: 73
Sunshine on my head
Description: The purose of this category is to locate and document solar energy "farms" and business whose purpose is to gather sunlight and to convert it into electicty.
Date Created: 03/08/2009
Category Managed: None
Members: 7
Super Fund
Description: To WAYMARK the Mistakes made by Man. And maybe discover how we may give a hand. Some of the SuperFund sites are well known,while others may be right in your own backyard. But hopefully we can draw awareness to our past and not make...
Date Created: 02/18/2007
Category Managed: Super Fund Sites
Members: 21
Superb Steak 'Stablishments
Description: A group designed to manage a waymarking category for truly superb steak houses...Ponderosa, Sizzler, Outback, and the like need not apply.
Date Created: 06/16/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: Group/category/subcategory to allow users to create surname based waypoints - i.e. "Occurrences of the name [surname]". Where waypoints could be created posting coords & a picture.
Date Created: 09/18/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 7
Survey markers
Description: Permanent Survey Markers
Date Created: 06/11/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Suspension Bridges Managers
Description: This group manages the Suspension Bridges category.
Date Created: 06/15/2006
Category Managed: Suspension Bridges
Members: 23
Description: Members of South West Area Geocaching Assoc.
Date Created: 04/13/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Swedish Heritage
Description: The aim of this category “Swedish Heritage” is to promoting the educational potential of Waymarking. To create a waymark in this category you have to choose a location accepted by The National Heritage Board. (
Date Created: 05/14/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
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