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Important Australian Waymarks
Description: To work together to create some Waymark categories, which are important reflections of the culture and History unique to Australia.
Date Created: 03/23/2012
Category Managed: Australian Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Art
Members: 9
Unique Artistic Shop Signs
Description: This group will manage the 'Unique Artistic Shop Signs' category.
Date Created: 03/16/2012
Category Managed: Unique Artistic Shop Signs
Members: 19
Pacific Coast Trail
Description: To locate all trailheads, interesting locations, and highlight of the Pacific Coast Trail. PCT Starts at the Mexico/U.S. Border and goes through three states (California, Oregon, and Washington) before ending up at the Canada/U.S. Border.
Date Created: 03/15/2012
Category Managed: Pacific Crest Trail
Members: 9
Pillars of the Community
Description: Locate and document free-standing columns located around the world.
Date Created: 03/09/2012
Category Managed: Freestanding Columns
Members: 15
Lorries & Minecarts
Description: This group wants to waymark all kinds of lorries and minecarts - not in use anymore. Often they are findable in front of some mining museums or in the center of gyratory traffics. Additionally the basin often is filled with some plants or rocks (found...
Date Created: 03/08/2012
Category Managed: Lorries & Minecarts
Members: 9
Interfaith Alliance
Description: To waymark interfaith chapels. Interfaith chapels can often be found at the heart of other waymarked or waymarkable institutions: hospitals, military installations, college and university campus'. Some corporate complexes that are big enough to have...
Date Created: 03/05/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
When Shall We Three Meet Again
Description: A group to manage tripoints and multipoints on national and regional (state, province) level.
Date Created: 03/04/2012
Category Managed: Tripoints and Multipoints
Members: 20
Description: To create a list of cricket pitches around the world.
Date Created: 03/02/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
German speaking Waymarkers
Description: This is a group to 'collect' all the [b]German speaking Waymarkers[/b], who are active at Waymarking. This group will not manage a category. It's just to have a list of the active German speaking Waymarkers.[br][br] Diese Gruppe...
Date Created: 02/29/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 90
Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig
Description: Zum Gedenken an die Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig wurden an wichtigen Orten der Kämpfe sogenannte Apelsteine aufgestellt. Insgesamt gibt es in Leipzig und Umgebung 50 solcher Denkmale. Der Leipziger Bürger und Schriftsteller Theodor Apel (1811–1867) ließ...
Date Created: 02/24/2012
Category Managed: Wars of Liberation
Members: 3
Natura 2000
Description: Natura 2000 is an ecological network of protected areas in the territory of the European Union, this category spitted over countries will hold all way marks of this interesting places. Main category - Nature. Please join and support...
Date Created: 02/22/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James)
Description: This new category in Recreation->Hiking and Trails->Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) will contains all routes needed for travel over whole Europe to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in northwestern Spain.
Date Created: 02/22/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Farm Art
Description: The purpose of the category is to manage an art category exclusively dedicated to the various forms of displays placed on farms or private land that is viewable for the passing public as a display. The art can be a diorama set up or farm...
Date Created: 02/21/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Unitarian Univeralists
Description: Group to approve Unitarian, Universalist and UU churches, and buildings that were constructed for that purpose, whether they still serve that purpose or not.
Date Created: 02/20/2012
Category Managed: Unitarian Universalist Churches
Members: 7
Coca-Cola Drinkers
Description: To Waymark all brand new and very high-tech fountain coke machines. They have 100+ drinks that you can choose from that it literally make it right before your eyes. They work like a copy machine. They add bubbling water to the formula for your dink and that...
Date Created: 02/13/2012
Category Managed: Coke Cola Freestyle Machines
Members: 10
Description: A group to waymark horseshoe courts.
Date Created: 02/13/2012
Category Managed: Horseshoe Pits
Members: 10
Date Created: 02/12/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Hardware stores
Description: To add hardware store categories to the categories in the list. example of a category is Bunnings Warehouse - Australian hardware chain that is the hardware equallevant to a supermarket.
Date Created: 02/11/2012
Category Managed: Hardware helper
Members: 10
Flushed with success
Description: Some of the most spectacular pieces of public architecture down the years are public lavatories. We seek to record these vital facilities both as a design archive and a useful directory for those in need. They may be freestanding facilities or located in buildings...
Date Created: 02/02/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Target Australia
Description: A category to locate and waymark all Traget and Target country stores in Australia only.
Date Created: 02/02/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Ronald McDonald Statues
Description: To document Ronald McDonald statues anywhere they are found in the world.
Date Created: 01/31/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Invasive Species
Description: I would like to create a sub-category under - Nature - Trees or plants This sub-category would be listed for invasive species. I am working on making a waymark in Glenville, WV and Fukuoka, Japan for a specific invasive that I am studying.
Date Created: 01/29/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Natural Lakes group
Description: The purpose of this group is to manage a waymarking category for Natural Lakes.
Date Created: 01/23/2012
Category Managed: Natural Lakes
Members: 21
LEGO 'plays good'
Description: Permanent LEGO sculptures and models are becoming more commonplace throughout the world. So let's find them!
Date Created: 01/21/2012
Category Managed: LEGO Sculptures and Models
Members: 26
okruh 50km od domova
Date Created: 01/10/2012
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
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