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Disciples of Strandlund
Description: Carl Strandlund, inventor of the porcelain-enameled steel Lustron home. The majority of the 2498 Lustron homes built are still standing today. How many can we find?
Date Created: 07/09/2007
Category Managed: Lustron Homes
Members: 4
Description: Management team for a Waymarking Game based upon locationless requirements created by other Waymark players. The concept is to have items that exist but are not fixed to a point on the Earth but can be a challenge to be photographed with...
Date Created: 07/08/2007
Category Managed: Photo Goals
Members: 36
Theater Pipe Organs
Description: Not completed due to Theater Pipe Organs being a 'restricted' access type and somewhat duplicates the Vintage Theater category. ------------------------------------------------- This...
Date Created: 07/05/2007
Category Managed: Theater Pipe Organs
Members: 6
Herbaria of the World
Description: This group is responsible for cataloging the location of herbaria around the world. An herbarium is a collection of mounted dried plant specimens used for study to include vegatative area surveys, study of individual species, and historical vegetative records....
Date Created: 07/05/2007
Category Managed: Herbaria
Members: 15
Connecticut History Hunters
Description: To create a category for Connecticut Historical Markers. To discuss additional categories that are related to Connecticut's history.
Date Created: 07/04/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Korean War Memorials
Description: Memories of the Korean War are sometimes lost amongst all the other bigger and more recent wars, however this war is just as significant as the others. This war lasted from 1950 to 1953. This category is for marking any monuments, memorials,...
Date Created: 07/01/2007
Category Managed: Korean War Memorials
Members: 17
Odd Fellows
Description: The goal is to locate and photograph Odd Fellow lodge buildings, camps, or graveyards
Date Created: 07/01/2007
Category Managed: Odd Fellow Lodges
Members: 13
IA/MN Historic Places
Description: To visit many historic places in the Midwest.
Date Created: 06/27/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Iowa Historic Places
Description: To visit many historic places in the Midwest.
Date Created: 06/27/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Midwest Historic Places
Description: To visit many historic places in the Midwest.
Date Created: 06/27/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Dollars for DalĂ­
Description: A group to waymark Contemporary art gallery. These are galleries which sell artwork, not to be confused by art museums, which do not.
Date Created: 06/27/2007
Category Managed: Art Galleries
Members: 13
Smokey Bear Sighters
Description: To celebrate the longest running public service campaign in US History. Smokey Bear was created in 1944 and to celebrate his 60-something birthday, our mission statement is "to find all remaining statues and placards of Smokey Bear." His forest fire...
Date Created: 06/26/2007
Category Managed: Smokey Bear Sign Sightings
Members: 15
Walk-In Movie Theater
Description: Walk-In Movie Theaters/ Show our wonderful old movie theater around the country.
Date Created: 06/24/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Movie Theaters
Description: Show the wonderful old movie theaters around the country.
Date Created: 06/24/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Las Vegas Strip Benchmarks
Description: Find all benchmarks on the strip.
Date Created: 06/24/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Day Hikers
Description: To identify and "classify" all of the wonderful Day Hiking trails available in our Local, State, and National Parks. Our goal is to encourage people to "get out there" and experience the trails that our parks maintain for us.
Date Created: 06/23/2007
Category Managed: One-Day Hiking Trails
Members: 17
Spanish Revivalists
Description: Colorful in-laid tiles. Neutral stucco. Courtyards. Clay tile roofs. These are all characteristics of Spanish and Mission Revival Architecture.
Date Created: 06/22/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Description: The world is full of grand, Beaux-Arts buildings, from Buenos Aires to Paris. This category seeks to find them and mark them.
Date Created: 06/22/2007
Category Managed: Beaux-Arts
Members: 9
Mountain Gaps
Description: The purpose of this group is to create a category to waymark mountain gaps (the low point between two mountains).
Date Created: 06/19/2007
Category Managed: Named Mountain Gaps
Members: 20
Veteran Cemeteries
Description: This category is for National, State, and local cemeteries dedicated to military members and veterans. Veteran cemeteries are where many military service members are laid to rest. These can be cemeteries managed by Veteran Affairs, states...
Date Created: 06/18/2007
Category Managed: Veteran Cemeteries
Members: 20
Eco Building Managers
Description: A group that would like to see a registry of Eco Buildings. Eco buildings are constructed using sustainable, recycled or healthy materials. These structures are energy efficient and created with materials that have low embodied energy.
Date Created: 06/17/2007
Category Managed: LEED® Certified Buildings
Members: 9
Nike Site Battery
Description: To manage a waymarking category of former Nike missile batteries around the world.
Date Created: 06/17/2007
Category Managed: Nike Missile Sites
Members: 10
Cracker Barrel Restaurants
Description: This group will document all Cracker Barrel Restaurants wherever they are located.
Date Created: 06/17/2007
Category Managed: Cracker Barrel Restaurants
Members: 13
Specific Veteran Memorials
Description: Monuments and memorials dedicated or commemorated to specific veterans. This can be for on duty or off duty incidents and for single or multiple people. War specific memorials should be placed in their respective category. This category is designed for...
Date Created: 06/17/2007
Category Managed: Specific Veteran Memorials
Members: 20
Native Names
Description: A group to waymark cities and geographical places whose name comes from a native indian language. I got the idea from the "Names from the Bible" group. Some examples are Milwaukee, Wisconsin or Tulsa, Oklahoma
Date Created: 06/16/2007
Category Managed: Native Indian Names
Members: 14
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