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Space Art Collectors
Description: The goal of this category is to waymark works of Space Art around the world.
Date Created: 07/10/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Czech canals with the old name
Description: If you find canal, on which is inscription KANALISACE, it is waymark for this category.
Date Created: 06/29/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Painted Camel Statues
Description: Around the world, but especially in Bahrain there are wonderful painted camels. This groups aim in to find and waymark them all. In Bahrain there are 30 camels, and many of the gulf countries have then also. Once this group is set up I want...
Date Created: 05/03/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Geological Heavenly Locations
Description: Geological Heavenly Locations
Date Created: 04/28/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Interesting coordinates
Description: It's place with coordinates like N 55°55.555 E 044°44.444 or E 012°12.121 N 45°45.454 or W 121°21.212 N 55°55.555 This places can't be ih the private buildings, sees, oceans and other complicated avaiable places. BUT this place can...
Date Created: 04/17/2017
Category Managed: Exotic Coordinates
Members: 12
Waterway stop plank storage structures
Description: To record occurrences of waterway stanking and stop plank storage structures. Stanking and stop planks are planks that are used to create temporary dams in waterways to enable maintenance and repair works to be undertaken once the water...
Date Created: 04/05/2017
Category Managed: Waterway stop plank storage structures
Members: 3
Cat Whisperers
Description: To create and manage a category for Feral Cat Feeding Stations and Feral Cat Colonies.
Date Created: 04/01/2017
Category Managed: Pet Waste Stations
Members: 8
Canal and river distance markers
Description: To identify and record distance markers on canals and rivers. These may be imperial or metric, made of any material, e.g. stone, wood or metal. They maybe distances to the start or end of the waterway or distances to a specific location.
Date Created: 03/27/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Australian Heritage Sites
Description: This category is to waymark the Australian Heritage.
Date Created: 03/21/2017
Category Managed: Australian Heritage Sites
Members: 11
Global Transmitters
Description: De: Diese Gruppe verwaltet die Kategorie -Radio and Television Transmitter Towers-. EN: This group manage the category -Radio and Television Transmitter Towers-.
Date Created: 03/18/2017
Category Managed: Radio and Television Transmitter Towers
Members: 10
Petit Passe-Temps
Description: This group is formed to manage a category called "Hourglass" to reference hourglasses or hourglass representations.
Date Created: 03/01/2017
Category Managed: Hourglass
Members: 8
Flags of the World
Description: Searching for country flags all over the world.
Date Created: 02/01/2017
Category Managed: Flags of the World
Members: 20
Stone hut assembled without mortar
Description: A group to manage the category of the same name. The accepted definition is : a type of rural building, built entirely without mortar, with local extraction stones, and used as a shelter Temporary or seasonal to the cultivator of the eighteenth and...
Date Created: 01/26/2017
Category Managed: Stone hut assembled without mortar
Members: 12
The Monks of War
Description: This group is formed to manage a category called "Legacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors" to include sites related to the old crusader orders and also the Samurai history.
Date Created: 01/22/2017
Category Managed: Legacy of Medieval Spiritual Warriors
Members: 14
caniel 2
Description:  cache virtuelle autour du lac
Date Created: 01/20/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Household Appliances and Presses
Description: The mission of Household Appliances and Presses is to locate items that are permanently displayed and accessible to the public. All items submitted MUST be manufactured before 1940.
Date Created: 01/10/2017
Category Managed: Household Appliances and Presses
Members: 9
Latin Inscriptions
Description: The goal of this group is the creation of a new Waymarking category for Latin Inscriptions. The category will include inscriptions in the Latin language on churches, other buildings, monuments, and any other place they may be found. ...
Date Created: 01/08/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Disgruntled Waymarkers
Description:  Just a group for members that are disgruntled with Waymarking for whatever reason. A place for members only uncensored discussion of Waymarking.
Date Created: 01/06/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
Churches Conservation
Description: Waymarking all those redundant church's
Date Created: 01/06/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: To highlight Greggs stores all across the UK.
Date Created: 01/04/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Description: To highlight ASDAs (the UK equivalent of WAL-MART) around the UK.
Date Created: 01/04/2017
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Cabanes en pierres sèches - Stone hut assembled without mortar
Description: The dry stone hut gathers a whole bunch of constructions that we call differently from one region to another. One finds under this same generic term bories, boris, bôrie, bory, baraque, cabote, cadole, capitelle, caselle, cabana, cabanya, chabane, chebana,...
Date Created: 01/01/2017
Category Managed: Hut in dry stones
Members: 9
I 275 Canton Cachers
Description:  To find anything and everything from benchmarks to waymark and geocaches it's all about having a good time and lots fun.
Date Created: 12/27/2016
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Red Cross and Red Crescent
Description: This category aims to locate the Buildings such as Headquarters, Delegations, Meeting houses, Chapters or other names that they may be referred as, of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The category will also accept Monuments and memorials...
Date Created: 10/10/2016
Category Managed: Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Members: 6
Religious Buildings Multifarious
Description: The mission of the Religious Buildings Multifarious is to locate public places of worship that are currently active, conducting a religious service at least once a month and are in a permanent location. A building of worship that is a stand-alone or store...
Date Created: 10/08/2016
Category Managed: Religious Buildings Multifarious
Members: 16
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