| Lidl Stores Description: We want to waymark all the Lidl market stores in the world.
.. What is Lidl?
Lidl is a supermarket chain specializing in private label, discount products, some priced 30% lower than other brands. Date Created: 10/30/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 5
 | Protected Natural Areas and Features Description: To manage a category of the same name in which to record areas and features public and private, protected by law for their natural value and accessible to the public. Date Created: 10/25/2015 Category Managed: Protected Natural Features Members: 10
 | Spaßclub Stuttgart Description: Date Created: 10/17/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 2
 | Historic Transformer Sub-Station Seekers Description: To search for historic transformer sub-station buildings all over the word, be they abandoned, converted or still active. Date Created: 09/07/2015 Category Managed: Historic Transformer Sub-Stations Buildings Members: 22
 | Heavy Equipment Aficionados Description: People interested in older/ historic construction / mining equipment or parts placed on static display around the world Date Created: 09/06/2015 Category Managed: Heavy Equipment on display Members: 8
 | Mc Menamin's Description: McMenamins is a chain brewpubs, breweries, music venues, historic hotels, and theater pubs. The goal of this group is to set up a category for waymarking as many locations as possible in the Mc Menamin's chain of businesses. Date Created: 09/03/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 3
 | Drive-By Waymarking Description: To create a category for drive-by waymarking in conjunction with google street view and similar online map sources. Date Created: 08/18/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 3
 | Historische Monumenten België - Historical Monuments Belgium Description: ** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ** So far 83,000 places of valuable Belgian Heritage in the database. Waymark and visit these beautiful spots. Date Created: 08/13/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 2
 | Catalonia Waymarks Description: A group to highlight the best of Catalonia, its land, its traditions and its people. Date Created: 08/03/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 2
 | Movie Theater Description: Meant for all "normal" Movie Theaters. So means all town or village Movie Theater who can not go in the Vintage Movie Theaters or IMAX category. Date Created: 08/02/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 6
 | Presidential Grave Sites Description: To categorize sites where Presidents and Monarchs have been laid to rest. Date Created: 07/16/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 5
 | Polish Benchmarkers Description: Group for managing Polish Geodetic Points category. Date Created: 07/16/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 3
 | Polish Natural Monuments Register Description: Group for managing Polish Natural Monuments category. Natural Monuments are marked with special sign and protected by the law. The objects that can be protected as nature monuments are: trees, bushes, rocks, glacial erratics, caves, karst springs, ravines... Date Created: 07/16/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 3
 | Polish Cultural Monuments Register Description: Grupa zarządzająca kategorią Polski Rejestr Zabytków Nieruchomych.
The group managing the category Polish Cultural Monuments Register. Date Created: 07/14/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 4
 | Polish waymarkers Description: Group for connecting waymarkers from Poland, or those who are active in creating waymarks in Poland.
The group is thought to be a 'meeting place' and contact list for waymarkers interested in actively supporting waymarking in Poland,... Date Created: 07/14/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 9
 | Global Geoparks Network Description: The mission of the Global Geoparks Network is to locate and document all worldwide Geoparks Date Created: 07/09/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 5
 | Tex-Mex and Mexican Chain Restaurants Description: To waymark National and International Tex-Mex and Mexican restaurant chain locations around the world. Date Created: 07/06/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 24
 | Latin America Benchmarks Description: Creating a category for all benchmarks, survey stones, monuments, etc. can be waymarked within Latin American countries and locations. Date Created: 07/01/2015 Category Managed: Latin American Benchmarks Members: 6
 | Strong Men Manager Description: This group's mission is to find the strong men that have marked their environment and so to honor them. Date Created: 06/17/2015 Category Managed: Strong Mens Memorials Members: 8
 | Fraternal Order of Eagles Description: The mission of the Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) is to locate any and all current and former Aeries (chapters) across the United States and Canada and to waymark them for historical value and visitor appreciation. Date Created: 06/16/2015 Category Managed: Fraternal Order of Eagles Members: 9
 | UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks Description: The mission of this category is to locate and document all worldwide Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks designated by UNESCO. This can help to increase awareness of these reserves and promote education about the conservation of our environment. Date Created: 05/20/2015 Category Managed: UNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves Members: 9
 | Timelines Description: Timelines help us to understand the chronology of historic events, situate newly encountered events and provide a visual aid for identifying cause and effect relationships between events. They are especially enlightening for the understanding of long periods... Date Created: 05/10/2015 Category Managed: Timelines Members: 24
 | Wawa Warriors Description: Date Created: 05/09/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 1
 | Distilleries Description: To find and document all commercial alchohol distilleries worldwide. Date Created: 05/05/2015 Category Managed: Distilleries Members: 12
 | Azores W Description: Devoloping Waymarks in Azores Date Created: 04/30/2015 Category Managed: None Members: 2