Møgeltønder Kirke - Møgeltønder, Danmark
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Walking Boots
N 54° 56.408 E 008° 48.219
32U E 487421 N 6088147
Møgeltønder kirke er bygget omkring år 1150, og er ændret flere gange. Bland andet er familien Shacks gravkapel bygget til i 1763
Waymark Code: WM1571P
Location: Region Syddanmark, Denmark
Date Posted: 10/28/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member lumbricus
Views: 1

Møgeltønder kirke er bygget omkring år 1150, og er ændret flere gange. Bland andet er familien Shacks gravkapel bygget til i 1763. Schack er en uradelsslægt fra Niedersachsen. Senere kom dele af familien til hele Nordtyskland og Danmark, hvor de stadig består.
Oprindeligt var kirken uden spir, men det blev bygget til senere. I en storm i 1628 blæste spiret dog ned. Et nyt spir blev bygget flere år senere, dog noget kortere end det første.
Selve kirken ligner mange andre danske kirker. Det interessante er inde i kirken. Alle vægge er dekoreret med de mest fantastiske vægmalerier som er meget detaljerige. Kirken har bræddeloft som har malerier med bibelske motiver.
Møgeltønder Kirke tilhører Den danske folkekirke som er en evangelisk-luthersk kirke. Det er det største kirkesamfund i Danmark.

Møgeltønder church was built around the year 1150, and has been changed several times. Among other things, the Shack family's grave chapel was built in 1763. Schack is a noble family from Lower Saxony. Later, parts of the family came to the whole of northern Germany and Denmark, where they still exist.
Originally, the church was without spiers, but it was built for later. In a storm in 1628, however, the spire blew down. A new spire was built several years later, though somewhat shorter than the first. The church is built of brick, which, apart from the spire, is whitewashed.
The church itself is similar to many other Danish churches. The interesting thing is inside the church. All walls are decorated with the most amazing murals which are very detailed. The church has a board ceiling which has paintings with biblical motifs.
Møgeltønder Church belongs to the Danish National Church which is an Evangelical Lutheran church. It is the largest denomination in Denmark.

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