Iglesia Convento de las Claras, Almería, España
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member GURUGU
N 36° 50.430 W 002° 27.995
30S E 547560 N 4077311
Tras su desamortización a principios del siglo XIX, el convento fue adecuado para que se alojara la reina Isabel II de España en su visita a la ciudad en 1862.
Waymark Code: WM1764D
Location: Andalucía, Spain
Date Posted: 12/21/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 2

El templo religioso, construido en el siglo XVIII, tiene planta de cruz latina con una sola nave y cúpula sobre pechinas en el crucero. Sus paramentos llevan pilastras de orden toscano, con fustes rehundidos y montados sobre pedestales, donde la parte inferior es lisa y la superior moldurada. El perímetro interior está rodeado por un entablamento, con un estrecho arquitrabe. La nave se cubre mediante bóveda de medio cañón con arcos fajones. En la capilla mayor, de planta rectangular, se abre una portada adintelada que da acceso a la sacristía. A los pies de la nave, se sitúa el coro alto apoyado sobre dos arcos carpaneles de rosca moldurada y clave decorada por una roseta.

El exterior de la Iglesia del Convento de Santa Clara es de gran simplicidad. Los muros, construidos en cantería, se hallan parcialmente cubiertos por una finísima capa de revocado y rematan en simples cornisas a la altura de las cubiertas. En el lado oriental se sitúa la fachada principal. En el centro de la misma se encuentra la portada con vano de medio punto y sobre él un nicho que cobija una escultura de bulto redondo, representando a la Santa titular del templo. La fachada meridional, se encuentra también rematada por una cornisa. La parte alta de la misma, en su extremo más oriental, aparece perforada por varias ventanas, todas ellas adinteladas y de tamaño y distribución irregular.

El edificio del convento, por su parte, está compuesto por los restos de las construcciones primitivas, que se encuentran adosadas a la cabecera de la iglesia. Las dependencias conventuales forman tres crujías, adosadas al costado norte de la iglesia, dejando entre ellas un amplio patio abierto y ajardinado.

Pechina: cada uno de los elementos estructurales y constructivos que resuelve el encuentro entre la base circular de una cúpula y un espacio inferior de planta cuadrada mediante los arcos torales sobre los que estriba.

The religious temple, built in the 18th century, has a Latin cross plan with a single nave and a dome on pendentives in the transept. Its walls have pilasters of the Tuscan order, with recessed shafts and mounted on pedestals, where the lower part is smooth and the upper part is molded. The inner perimeter is surrounded by an entablature, with a narrow architrave. The nave is covered by a barrel vault with transverse arches. In the main chapel, with a rectangular floor plan, there is a linteled doorway that gives access to the sacristy. At the foot of the nave is the high choir supported on two carpanel arches with molded threads and a keystone decorated with a rosette.

The exterior of the Church of the Convent of Santa Clara is very simple. The walls, built in stone, are partially covered by a very fine layer of plaster and finish off in simple cornices at the height of the roofs. On the eastern side is the main façade. In the center of it is the doorway with a semicircular opening and above it a niche that houses a round sculpture, representing the titular Saint of the temple. The southern façade is also topped by a cornice. The upper part of it, at its easternmost end, appears perforated by several windows, all of them lintelled and irregular in size and distribution.

The convent building, for its part, is made up of the remains of the primitive constructions, which are attached to the head of the church. The convent rooms form three bays, attached to the north side of the church, leaving a large open and landscaped courtyard between them.

Pendentive: each one of the structural and construction elements that resolves the meeting between the circular base of a dome and a lower space with a square plan through the toral arches on which it rests.

(visit link)

(visit link)
Date the Church was built, dedicated or cornerstone laid: 01/01/1701

Age of Church building determined by?: Other reliable source

If denomination of Church is not part of the name, please provide it here: Católica

Street address of Church:
Calle Jovellanos, 11
Almería, Almería España

Primary website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

Secondary Website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

If Church is open to the public, please indicate hours: Not listed

If Church holds a weekly worship service and "all are welcome", please give the day of the week: Not listed

Indicate the time that the primary worship service is held. List only one: Not Listed

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3) Additional photos are encouraged. If you can have information in addition to that already provided about this church, please share it with us.

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GURUGU visited Iglesia Convento de las Claras, Almería, España 12/22/2022 GURUGU visited it