No. 2548, Lodní doprava Lipno, CZ
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 48° 38.126 E 014° 13.513
33U E 442918 N 5387219
Ship transport Lipno, One of the most beautiful views of Lipno can be enjoyed from the deck of a sightseeing boat
Waymark Code: WM18AYB
Location: Jihočeský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 06/30/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member wayfrog
Views: 0

One of the most beautiful views of Lipno can be enjoyed from the deck of a sightseeing boat, according to many visitors of the reservoir.

The boat transportation on Lipno is operated by ROSENBERGER - Lipno - Line s.r.o., which has two large excursion boats named ADALBERT STIFTER and VLTAVA. The Adalbert Stifter is the larger and newer vessel, which has been operating on Lipno since 2012. During the navigation season, which typically runs from mid-April to the end of October, the Adalbert Stifter mostly sails in the southern part of the lake, around Lipno nad Vltavou and Frymburk. The second boat is the Vltava, which has been carrying passengers since 1959, almost since the reservoir was filled. Before the summer season, the Vltava primarily caters to school trips and groups looking to enjoy a special route of the cruise.


Lodní dopravu zde provozuje spolecnost ROSENBERGER - Lipno - Line s.r.o., která má k dispozici dve velké výletní lode se jmény ADALBERT STIFTER a VLTAVA.Lod Adalbert Stifter je ta vetší a novejší, která na Lipne jezdí od roku 2012. V plavební sezone, tedy približne od poloviny dubna do konce ríjna, pluje Adalbert Stifter vetšinou na jižní polovine jezera, v okolí Lipna nad Vltavou a Frymburka. Druhou lodí je Vltava, která vozí pasažéry již od roku 1959, tedy témer od napuštení prehradní nádrže. Vltava pred letní sezonou pluje hlavne se školními výlety a skupinami, které si chtejí užít speciální trasu plavby
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