Canon Pak 43 de 88 mm - Eperlecques, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member geotrouvtou59
N 50° 49.627 E 002° 10.935
31U E 442406 N 5630918
FR - Canon Pak 43 au blockhaus eperlecques. EN - Canon Pak 43 au blockhaus eperlecques.
Waymark Code: WM18ZMT
Location: Hauts-de-France, France
Date Posted: 10/28/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 4


Si l’Allemagne a l’interdiction de construire des canons lourds en 1919 à la suite du Traité de Versailles, l’arrivée au pouvoir d’Hitler change entièrement la donne. Celui-ci donne immédiatement l’ordre de construire des canons antichars performants.

L’Allemagne, par l’intermédiaire de l’usine d’armement Krupp, met ainsi au point un canon anti-aérien de 88 millimètres qui est livré dès l’année 1933 : c’est le fameux Flak 18. Très performant et doté d’une cadence de tir impressionnante (jusqu’à douze coups par minute), le modèle est alors conçu dans une version antichar : il devient alors le redoutable “88” qui se révèle très rapidement comme l’un des meilleurs canons antichars de toute la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Fiche technique

Pays créateur/utilisateur : Allemagne
Dénomination : PAK 43
Production totale : 2 098 unités (de 1943 à 1945)
Mode de tir : semi-automatique par culasse à bloc coulissant horizontal
Calibre : 88 mm
Portée maximale : 15 300 m
Cadence de tir maximale : 6-10 coups/min
Masse : 3 650 kg
Longueur (avec affût) : 9,20 m
Largeur : 2,20 m
Hauteur : 1,73 m
Course : 360°
Hausse : – 8° à + 40°


If Germany was banned from building heavy guns in 1919 following the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler's coming to power completely changed the situation. He immediately gave the order to build high-performance anti-tank guns.

Germany, through the Krupp arms factory, developed an 88 millimeter anti-aircraft gun which was delivered in 1933: it was the famous Flak 18. Very efficient and equipped with an impressive rate of fire (up to twelve rounds per minute), the model was then designed in an anti-tank version: it then became the formidable “88” which very quickly revealed itself as one of the best anti-tank guns of all time. the Second World War.

Technical sheet

Creator/user country: Germany
Name: PAK 43
Total production: 2,098 units (from 1943 to 1945)
Firing mode: semi-automatic by horizontal sliding block breech
Caliber: 88 mm
Maximum range: 15,300 m
Maximum rate of fire: 6-10 rounds/min
Mass: 3,650 kg
Length (with mount): 9.20 m
Width: 2.20 m
Height: 1.73 m
Race: 360°
Rise: – 8° to + 40°


Canon Pak 43 de 88 mm



What type of artillery is this?: Canon Pak 43 de 88 mm

Where is this artillery located?: Other

What military of the world used this device?: Allemagne

Date artillery was in use: 01/01/1943

Date artillery was placed on display: 01/01/1945

Cost?: 11.00 (listed in local currency)

Parking location to view this Waymark: Not Listed

Artillery is no longer operational: Not Listed

Still may work: Not Listed

Are there any geocaches at this location?: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Two pictures are required for this Waymark. Please take a close up picture of the artillery. Take a second with the artillery in the distance and capture as much of the surroundings as possible. Name the Waymark with first the name of the area and second what the artillery is. An example would be if it were a cannon in front of the Montgomery Armory you would name the Waymark: Montgomery Armory Cannon.
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geotrouvtou59 visited Canon Pak 43 de 88 mm - Eperlecques, France 10/05/2023 geotrouvtou59 visited it