JPII - Bukowno, Poland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member hacze_losy
N 50° 14.853 E 019° 26.988
34U E 389475 N 5567304
The giant inscription JPII made of trees.
Waymark Code: WM19RCE
Location: Małopolskie, Poland
Date Posted: 04/04/2024
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Telomere
Views: 1

[ENG] There is a quite young forest near Jaworzno. When you stand in it, it doesn't look special. It reveals its secret only when you look at it from above. This is the inscription JPII, which is the initials of the Polish Pope - John Paul II. The originator of this inscription was the forester Jacek Chmura, also the creator of the North Arrow located one and a half kilometers to the west.

The trees composing the inscription have been growing since 2006. They are alder, birch and pine and will continue to grow here for about 80 years. The height of the letters is approximately 100 meters.

[POL] Niedaleko Jaworzna znajduje sie dosc mlody las. Gdy sie w nim stoi nie wyglada jakos specjalnie. Odslania swa tajemnice dopiero gdy spojrzy sie na niego z góry. Jest to napis JPII, który jest inicjalem papieza Polaka - Jana Pawla II. Pomyslodawca tego napisu byl lesniczy Jacek Chmura, twórca takze znajdujacej sie póltora kilometra na zachód Strzalki Pólnocy.

Drzewa tworzace napis rosna od roku 2006. Sa to olcha, brzoza i sosna i beda tu rosnac jeszcze ok 80 lat. Wysokosc liter to ok. 100 metrów.
Coodinates for viewing from ground level: N 50° 14.853 E 019° 26.988

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