Illinois Central (or N&W) cabooses, Depot Restaurant - Lincoln, IL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member adgorn
N 40° 08.905 W 089° 21.782
16T E 298720 N 4446906
Dueling red cabooses as part of Depot Restaurant, 101 North Chicago Street, Lincoln, IL
Waymark Code: WMCHAD
Location: Illinois, United States
Date Posted: 09/08/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member TheBeanTeam
Views: 4

From Illinois Cabeese: (visit link)
IC no markings, no trucks, Depot Restaurant, 101 North Chicago Street, 62656
IC as IC 18398, no trucks, Depot Restaurant, 101 North Chicago Street, 62656

The restaurant wasn't open when I visited and I could not see any markings. It appears that these might be used for office or storage space. Both in need of repair and a paint job.

Lincoln was quite a rail town. There is a very extensive article with comments entitled The Living Railroad Heritage of Lincoln, Illinois:on Track as a Symbol of the "Usable Past" at (visit link)

9/13/11 NOTE: Roger The Caboose Guy informs me that:
"Both of the cabooses at the Depot Restaurant, Lincoln, IL, are former Norfolk & Western (N&W/NW) cabooses. Neither was ever an IC caboose. The right hand caboose is N&W 518398. The left hand car is N&W 518???." How does he know all this stuff? :)
Current Use:
office or storage

Type Of Caboose: Cupola, "Standard"

Visit Instructions:
Please visit the location of the caboose, brake van, or guard van, provide visit details through photo or narrative.
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