No. 234, Hrad Valecov - Cesky raj, CZ
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 50° 30.702 E 015° 01.477
33U E 501744 N 5595526
Valecov Castle and Bohemian Paradise
Waymark Code: WMEB8K
Location: Středočeský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 05/01/2012
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member PaWcz
Views: 63

This castle belongs to the so-called rock castles. A rock castle is a type of medieval castle which directly incorporates natural rock formations into its defences to such an extent that the rock formations define the structure of the castle. Rock castles usually don't had a brick wall. They could had walled palace, which was sometimes the only building of the castle core.

Valecov Castle lies on the western border of the Bohemian Paradise. It was built on the site of an earlier prehistoric settlement. The castle was originally a wooden and carved into the rock.

Tento hrad patrí k tzv. skalním hradum. Skalní hrad je druh stredovekého hradu, která prímo zahrnuje prirozené skalní útvary na jeho obranu do té míry, že skalní útvary definovat strukturu hradu.
Skalní hrady zpravidla nemely zdenou hradbu. Zdený mohl být palác, který byl nekdy jedinou budovou hradního jádra. To platí napr. pro tento hrad.

Hrad Valecov lezi na zapadni hranici Ceskeho Raje. Vznikl na miste starsiho pravekeho sidliste. Hrad byl puvodne jen dreveny a z casti vytesany do skaly.
Where can you get this wooden stamp.: N 50° 30.639 E 015° 01.578

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