Muzeum zlata, Nový Knín, Czech republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Noe1
N 49° 47.272 E 014° 17.620
33U E 449157 N 5515283
Museum of the History of mining and processing of gold at Nový Knín, a branch of the Mining Museum Pribram.
Waymark Code: WMGYW9
Location: Středočeský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 04/25/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member MikeGolfJ3
Views: 39

Muzeum v historické budove tzv. Mincovny z 15. století, nekdejším sídle perkmistrovského úradu v královském horním meste Nový Knín na brezích zlatonosné rícky Kocáby. Expozice umístené v prvním patre objektu seznamují s historií težby a zpracování zlata na Novoknínsku od nejstarších dob až do 20. století, s dejinami mesta, místními remesly a prumyslem a s historií mistrovství sveta v rýžování zlata u nás i v zahranicí.

dospelí 20 Kc
deti, studenti, seniori 10 Kc


Museum in the historic building of the 15th century Mints, the former headquarters of mining office in the Royal Mining city on the banks of the gold-bearing river Kocába. Exposure of the history of mining and processing of gold at Nový Knín from the earliest times to the 20th century, the history of the city, local crafts and industry and the history of the World Cup in panning for gold at home and abroad.

adults: 20 CZK
children, students, seniors 10 CZK
History - especially local mining and processing of gold

Food Court: no

Gift Shop: yes

Hours of Operation:
Open: May, Saturday - Sunday and holidays, from 9 to 16 hours June to September, Tuesday - Sunday and holidays, from 9 to 17 hours October, Saturday - Sunday and holidays, from 9 to 16 hours other times by appointment at least 14 days in advance on tel 774 824 656 (for groups of minimum 10 persons)

Cost: 20.00 (listed in local currency)

Museum Size: Small

Relevant Web Site: [Web Link]

Street Address: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
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