Guisachan House - Kelowna, British Columbia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member T0SHEA
N 49° 52.287 W 119° 28.626
11U E 322009 N 5527280
Guisachan Heritage Park is located at 1060 Cameron Avenue in Kelowna. The lane is behind the Guisachan House, just look for the large cedars.
Waymark Code: WMH4XD
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Date Posted: 05/23/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member lumbricus
Views: 3

I recall the moon was exceptionally low in the sky that night we visited the Guisachan House. We were there on a quest; we were there to see Lady Aberdeen.

The Guisachan House was built in 1891 for the Countess and Earl of Aberdeen. Evergreens were imported from England which Lady Aberdeen chose to plant bordering both sides of a long lane leading to the Guisachan House.

The original trees have long since died and been replaced by a hardy species of Canadian cedar which now create a canopy over the lane; but it seems that an echo of the past is connected to this tree-lined lane.

Though the July evening was warm, as we approached the lane we felt a chilling breeze. We dismissed it at first, as the lane was dark and the slight wind just funneled down the lane. We were mistaken.

Just a very faint smell of horse caught our attention, and then we heard: clip, clop, clip clop, then a pause.

It was then we saw the carriage, the horse fidgeting as though knowing what was to come. The coachman opened the carriage door and bowed deeply; replacing his hat he extended a hand. It was at this very second that we knew it had to be Lady Aberdeen.

In just that instant, the coach proceeded towards us, as the coachman nodded he disappeared into the breeze.

There was an accident. A horse was startled, reared up and toppled the carriage and a death occurred: Who died that night? It was rumored that a guest on her way to a gala died that night.

The carriage returns for its nocturnal journey down the cedar lined lane... behind the Guisachan House... when the moon is full... the haunting echoes of horse and carriage... and the ghost of Lady Aberdeen.

It is Lady Aberdeen herself who haunts the lane. She so dearly loved the cedar lined lane and was often seen there having an evening stroll.

Lady Aberdeen’s untimely death is still unclear. Quietly whispered are tales unraveled, of who died that night... on the canopy covered lane... under the moonlit cedars...where echoes are heard... behind the Guisachan House...
Public access?:
The Guisachan Heritage Park is open to the public and access to the park is unlimited.

You will want to go to the lane behind the Guisachan House. Look for the large cedars: you can easily see the lane from the coordinates. However, there are gates one on each end of the lane restricting direct access.

The Guisachan house is now a restaurant and is opened daily 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Visting hours:
Access to the park is at anytime, the lane can also be viewed.

Website about the location and/or story: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
  • Please submit a photo(s) taken by you of your visit to the location (non-copyrighted photos only). GPS photos are also accepted with the location in the background, and old vacation photos are accepted. Photos you took of paranormal activity are great. If you are not able to provide a photo, then please describe your visit or give a story about the visit
  • Tell your story if you saw, felt, or smelled anything unusual. Post pictures of what you saw.
  • Add any information you may have about the location. If your information is important about the location, please contact the waymark owner to see if it can be added to the description.
  • Be careful and do not enter areas which are off limits or look dangerous. No waymark is worth harm. Use your 6th sense, because sometimes there are unseen things which are telling you to stay out.
  • Use care when using your camera flash so you do not disrupt any possible nearby residents. Time lapse can be the best tool on your camera in many circumstances.


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