"Skansin" - Torshavn, Faroe Islands
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Ulven7470
N 62° 00.480 W 006° 45.807
29V E 617097 N 6877089
(da) Skansin det historiske fort i Thorshavn, færøerne. Værn mod sørøvere og andre fjender. Aktivt 1580 - 1865. (en) Skansin the historic fort in Torshavn, Faroe Islands. Protection against pirates and other enemies. Used 1580 - 1865.
Waymark Code: WMK0QG
Location: Faroe Islands
Date Posted: 01/26/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member briansnat
Views: 5

(da) Færøerne (Føroyar) er en gruppe på 18 øer af vulkansk oprindelse i den nordlige del af Atlanterhavet mellem Skotland, Island og Norge.

Færøerne er en delvis selvstyrende del af det Danske Rigsfællesskab ifølge Lov om Færøernes Hjemmestyre fra 1948 og udøver det parlamentariske selvstyre i et af verdens ældste parlamenter, Lagtinget. Øerne vælger to repræsentanter til det danske Folketing, og de har valgt ikke at være medlem af EU. Administrativt er øerne opdelt i 6 sysler og 30 kommuner.

(en) The Faroe Islands (Føroyar) is a group of 18 islands of volcanic origin placed between Scotland, Iceland and Norway in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

Faroe Islands is a semi-autonomous part of the Danish Kingdom and ruled under the Home Rule Act of 1948. The Parliamentary self-government is carried out in one of the world's oldest parliaments, Lavtinget. The islands select two representatives to the Danish Parliament (Folketinget in Copenhagen), and they have chosen not to join the EU. Administratively, the islands are divided into 6 shires and 30 municipalities.

(da) Skansin er en historisk fæstning beliggende på en høj ved havnen i Færøernes hovedstad Tórshavn. Den blev bygget omkring 1580 på initiativ af Magnus Heinason for at beskytte byen mod fjendtlige angreb, efter at byen nær var ved at blive overfaldet af sørøvere. Fæstningen fik den nuværende udformning med bl.a. 21 kanoner i 1790. Skansin er aktiv som fæstning indtil 1865, hvor den og Færøernes militær omdannes til et politikorps. Herefter anvendes Skansin i en periode som politistation og fængsel. I 1884 opsættes en rød lanterne til advarsel for skibsfarten og i 1909 bygges der et fyrtårn.
Under 2. verdenskrig var Færøerne besat af englændere, og de havde deres hovedkvarter på Skansen. I denne periode blev fæstningen forstærket med 2 moderne kanoner.
For nogle år siden blev Skansen restaureret, så der nu er et gammelt vagthus og to kanoner fra krigen samt nogle danske malmkanoner fra 1782.

(en) Skansin is a historic fortress located on a hill near the harbor in Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. After the city was nearly being attacked by pirates, Skansin was built to protect the city against enemy attacks around 1580 on the initiative of Magnus Heinason. The fortress got the current design including 21 guns in 1790. Skansin was active as a fortress until 1865, where the military on the Faroe Islands was converted into a police force. Then for a period used as policestation and prison. In 1884 a red lantern warning shipping was established and in 1909 the lighthouse was build.
During WW2 the Faroe Islands was occupied by the British, and they had their headquarters at Skansen. During this period, the fortress was reinforced with 2 modern guns.
A few years ago, Skansen was restored, so there is now an old guardhouse and the two guns from the WW2 as well as some Danish iron ore guns from the 1782nd.
The year the "Fort" was constructed or started.: 1580

Name of "Country" or "Nation" that constructed this "Fort": Faroe Islands

Was this "Fort" involved in any armed conflicts?: Yes it was

What was the primary purpose of this "Historic Fort"?: Used for defence of a border or land claim.

Current condition: Newly restored - se Detailed Description

This site is administered by ----: The town of Thorshavn - Capital in the Faroe Islands

If admission is charged -: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

Open to the public?: Open or unrestricted access.

Official or advertised web-page: [Web Link]

Link to web-site that best describes this "Historic Fort": [Web Link]

Link if this "Fort" is registered on your Countries/ State "Registry of Historical Sites or Buildi: Not listed

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