Arcas - Chur, GR, Switzerland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member fi67
N 46° 50.878 E 009° 31.922
32T E 540562 N 5188406
The history of the place Arcas in the south of the old town of Chur.
Waymark Code: WMP263
Location: Graubünden, Switzerland
Date Posted: 06/14/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Outspoken1
Views: 7

This sign with the history of the place is monted at the north wall of the house with the arcades that houses the public library. The name Arcas is not related to archs, but the Romansh word archa, meaning dam. The place is close the the bank of the river Plessur and just inside the old city walls. Although many of the houses at the place date back to medieval times, the place itself was not created before 1971.

The marker text: "Arcas. Malerisch und mittelalterlich - so erscheint heute der Arcas. Bis 1971 war dies noch anders, denn bis dahin verstellten Magazinbauten den Platz. Der Architekt Theodor Hartmann liess diese abreissen und plante ein unterirdisches Parkhaus in die Neugestaltung des Platzes mit ein. Mittelalterlich ist der Arcas aber dennoch: Die Häuserzeile gegen die Plessur hin wurde an die alte Stadtmauer angebaut. Und diese stammt - sichtbar etwa beim Haus Arcas 25 - vermutlich noch aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. Malerisch machen den Platz heute das Ensemble von mittelalterlichen Häuserreihen und der neuzeitlich freien Fläche dazwischen."

English: "Arcas. Quaint and medieval - so the Arcas appears today. Until 1971 this was different, because until then warehouse buildings obstructed the square. The architect Theodor Hartmann let them dismantle and was planning a redesign of the square including an underground parking garage. But still the Arcas is medieval: The row of houses towards the Plessur was built onto the old city walls. And these probably date back to the 13th century - best visible around the house Arcas 25. The picturesque of the place today, that is the ensemble of the medieval rows of houses and the contemporary open space between them."
Group that erected the marker: City of Chur

URL of a web site with more information about the history mentioned on the sign: [Web Link]

Address of where the marker is located. Approximate if necessary:
Chur, GR Switzerland

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