Porte de Chenizelles - Laon / France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Iris & Harry
N 49° 33.861 E 003° 37.212
31U E 544847 N 5490380
Pedestrian gate from the 13th century
Waymark Code: WMW27B
Location: Hauts-de-France, France
Date Posted: 06/30/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Where's George
Views: 4

Source: (visit link) :

Cette porte piétonne date du XIIIe, et fermait l'accès au Bourg en venant de la Cuve St Vincent. Enserrée dans la muraille, elle est flanquée de tours élancées (coiffées naguère de toits coniques) et comportait une herse tombante, ainsi qu'un assommoir. On dit qu'elle était également ornée autrefois d'une statue équestre d'Henri IV. Quant à son nom, il viendrait des canaux ("chenil" ou "chanal") qu'empruntait l'eau pour s'évacuer...

EN (Translation):
This pedestrian gate dates from the 13th century, and closed the access to the Village by coming from the St Vincent vat. Covered in the wall, it is flanked by slender towers (formerly covered with conical roofs) and included a falling harrow, as well as a stunner. It is said that it was also decorated in the past with an equestrian statue of Henry IV. As for its name, it would come from the canals ("chenil" or "chanal") that borrowed the water to evacuate
The "Official Tourism" URL link to the attraction: [Web Link]

Hours of Operation:
24 / 7 /365

Admission Prices:

Approximate amount of time needed to fully experience the attraction: Less than 15 minutes

The attraction’s own URL: Not listed

Transportation options to the attraction: Not listed

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