Packaging machine - Kourim, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member ToRo61
N 49° 59.638 E 014° 58.311
33U E 497982 N 5537959
Packaging machine for seedlings of fruit trees
Waymark Code: WMZ2M4
Location: Středočeský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 09/01/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member fi67
Views: 12

Technically remarkable plant for planting fruit seedlings comes from the once famous Jaroslav Veselý Kindergarten in Molitorov near Kourim. It was made in the first third of the 20th century, and was used in the company along with another similar, but smaller machine, which probably was not preserved. The machines were used to tighten the bundles of straw-wrapped trees that protected the seedlings when transporting by rail.

The machine is on display in Open-air Museum in Kourim.
The Open-air Museum in Kourim is the only museum in the Czech Republic focusing on various ethnographic regions. The Museum houses collections of cultural heritage of vernacular architecture from Central, East and West Bohemia. The Museum offers an immediate comparison of the various regional types of vernacular architecture from the 17th to the 19th century. Fourteen houses and farming buildings can be found here, as well as lesser architectural objects. The Museum offers ethnographic and other accompanying programs throughout the year.

Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday: 10.00 – 18.00


Stroj na balení sazenic ovocných stromku
Technicky pozoruhodný stroj na balení sazenic ovocných stromku pochází z kdysi velmi proslulého školkarského podniku Jaroslava Veselého v Molitorove u Kourimi. Zhotoven byl v první tretine 20. století, a v podniku byl používán spolecne s dalším podobným, ale menším strojem, který se pravdepodobne nezachoval. Stroje sloužily k utahování úvazu balíku stromku ovinutých slámou, která chránila sazenice pri transportu železnicí.
Type of Machine: Packaging machine for seedlings of fruit trees

Year the machine was built: the first third of the 20th century

Year the machine was put on display: 2002

Is there online documentation for this machine: Not listed

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