La Apisonadora - Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Wizard_Speed_Time
N 39° 00.485 W 001° 52.288
30S E 597711 N 4318279
Una apisonadora es una máquina pesada que consta de un tractor y de un cilindro de gran peso que funciona a modo de rueda delantera. A steamroller is a heavy machine that consists of a tractor and a heavy cylinder that works as a front wheel.
Waymark Code: WM15F9E
Location: Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Date Posted: 12/26/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member ScroogieII
Views: 3

Una apisonadora o aplanadora es una máquina pesada que consta de un tractor y de un cilindro de gran peso que va delante y funciona a modo de rueda delantera. En España las más potentes son fabricadas por Lebrero.

Las aplanadoras se utilizan en construcción para compactar materiales. Son imprescindibles durante la construcción de carreteras, tanto en la sub-base como en las mezclas asfálticas, siendo utilizadas también para alisar superficies u otro tipo de tareas en obras diversas. Para la compactación de materiales tales como arcilla se utilizan apisonadoras con elementos salientes en la superficie del cilindro, siendo usual denominarlas "pata de cabra".

Actualmente es normal que la compactación se logre mediante un elemento vibratorio situado dentro del cilindro, incrementando la capacidad de compactar o reduciendo el peso necesario. Esta disposición permite, además, la fabricación de equipos mas livianos y capaces de operar en áreas mas reducidas.


A steamroller or roller is a heavy machine that consists of a tractor and a heavy cylinder that goes in front and works as a front wheel. In Spain the most powerful are manufactured by Lebrero.

Roller machines are used in construction to compact materials. They are essential during the construction of roads, both in the sub-base and in asphalt mixtures, being also used to smooth surfaces or other types of tasks in various works. Rammers with protruding elements on the surface of the cylinder are used for compaction of materials such as clay, and they are commonly referred to as "crowbar".

Currently it is normal for compaction to be achieved by means of a vibratory element located inside the cylinder, increasing the capacity to compact or reducing the necessary weight. This arrangement also allows the manufacture of lighter equipment capable of operating in smaller areas.
Engine Type: Internal Combustion

Wheel Type: Steel

Make: Lebrero

Model: RAHILE 418 MX Adapted

Visit Instructions:
You must include a picture that includes the tractor/engine and your GPSr (and you if possible); The location (coordinates) and the closest town/state/country where you found the tractor/engine; any interesting details about the tractor/engine (Make, Model, Year made, Horsepower, etc); and anything else you find interesting about the location where you found it.
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Wizard_Speed_Time visited La Apisonadora - Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain 12/29/2021 Wizard_Speed_Time visited it