Model ukladu slonecznego - Warszawa, Polska
Posted by: okrutnyb
N 52° 14.228 E 021° 06.330
34U E 507204 N 5787417
A solar model system on playground
Waymark Code: WM1B3QG
Location: Mazowieckie, Poland
Date Posted: 11/28/2024
Views: 1
Model Ukladu Slonecznego na Placu Zabaw przy ul. Lukowskiej Model ukladu slonecznego znajduje sie na placu zabaw przy ul. Lukowskiej, obok Szkoly Podstawowej nr 163 im. Batalionu „Zoska”. W centralnym punkcie placu umieszczono duza altane, której sciany ozdobiono zabawkami edukacyjnymi, takimi jak globus czy kolorowe szkielka. Jedna ze scian poswiecona jest ukladowi slonecznemu, z trójwymiarowym modelem planet, które mozna obracac. Plac zabaw zostal ufundowany przez marke NIVEA w ramach akcji „100 placów zabaw na 100 lat NIVEA”, zorganizowanej z okazji 100-lecia firmy w 2011 roku. W ramach projektu gminy i spóldzielnie mieszkaniowe zglaszaly lokalizacje najbardziej potrzebujace nowych miejsc zabaw, a ostateczny wybór opieral sie na glosach mieszkanców. Akcja zaangazowala spolecznosci lokalne, które motywowaly sie do glosowania za pomoca mediów spolecznosciowych, filmów i wydarzen. Obecnie plac zabaw jest dostepny jedynie od strony szkoly, dlatego model ukladu slonecznego mozna podziwiac tylko zza siatki. Solar System Model at the Playground on Lukowska Street A solar system model is located at the playground on Lukowska Street, near Primary School No. 163, named after the "Zoska" Battalion. At the heart of the playground is a large gazebo, with walls featuring educational toys such as a globe and colorful glass panels. One of the walls is dedicated to the solar system, showcasing a 3D model of planets that can be rotated. The playground was funded by NIVEA as part of the "100 Playgrounds for 100 Years of NIVEA" initiative, organized in celebration of the company's centenary in 2011. Municipalities and housing cooperatives across Poland submitted locations most in need of new playgrounds. Residents voted for their towns, with the highest-voted locations winning new playgrounds. The initiative united communities, who encouraged voting through social media posts, videos, and dedicated events. Currently, the playground is accessible only from the school grounds, so the solar system model can only be admired from outside the fence.
Address: Łukowska Warszawa, Mazowieckie Polska 04-130
Is the model an Orrery?: no
Hours: 24/7, no access to the playground but fully visible from the street
To-Scale by distance: Not Listed
To-Scale by Size: Not Listed
Web Page: Not listed
Admission Fee: Not Listed
Visit Instructions: To post a visit to a solar system model, please include at least one picture of the model, preferably from a different perspective from the other photos already taken. You and/or your GPS unit need not be in it. More photos are encouraged. Please also describe your visit in the log. If you cannot take a photo, then please describe your visit well enough so that readers can form a "mental picture".
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