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Disc Golf Courses allows ratings

by:  Disc Golf Courses Managers 

Disc golf is played much like traditional golf. Instead of a ball and clubs, however, players use a flying disc, or Frisbee®. There are plenty of disc golf courses out there, so grab a disc and give it a try!!


Fitness Trails

by:  Fitness Nuts 

A fitness trail consists of a path or course that has obstacles or stations distributed along its length for exercising the human body to promote good health.


Quonset Huts allows ratings

by:  Quonset Hut 

Quonset huts - those icons of WWII American ingenuity - can still be seen all over the world... although they aren't always immediately recognizable! Your mission: find one and tell us how it's being used today!


Ghost Towns allows ratings

by:  Ghost Towns Management 

A ghost town is a town that has been abandoned, usually because the economic activity that supported it has failed or because of natural or human-caused disasters.


Kinetic Sculpture and Art

by:  Kinetic Sculpture and Art 

Kinetic Sculpture and Art is sculpture that has parts that move with respect to other parts; it depends on motion for its effects. Drawing engineering and art together, they give a glimpse at what great beauty can be created by the artist. Sound and light pieces are also welcome here. Please click on "show additional information" below to see requirements for posting in this category.


Public Access Lands allows ratings

by:  Purveyors of Public Places 

Public access lands are areas that people can visit at their leisure where permits, special memberships, etc. are not required in order to explore and/or be educated. This category seeks to waymark forests and lands that are accessible to the general public and do not qualify as National, State, Provincial and/or Municipal parks.


Gifts from Other Countries allows ratings

by:  Gift Seekers 

Numerous gifts have been given from one country to another. The purpose of this category is to seek out these gifts and tell us about them.


Wisconsin Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Wisconsin Historical Marker Management Inc. 

Wisconsin historical markers identify, commemorate and honor the important people, places, and events that have contributed to the state's rich heritage. The Wisconsin Historical Markers Program is a vital education tool, informing people about the most significant aspects of Wisconsin's past. Please be sure to read the submission guidelines before entering a new marker!


Pikachu Sightings allows ratings

by:  pokemon 

The aim of this category is to focus on the cultural symbolism of pikachu and related pokemon (eg. Pichu)


Octagon Buildings allows ratings

by:  Octagon Buildings Managers 

Eight-sided buildings are found the around the world in a wide variety of structures -- lighthouses in Florida, water towers in Germany, homes in Wisconsin and shops in New Zealand. Let's see your octagonal building find!


New Mexico Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  New Mexico Historical Markers 

Dedicated to locate and mark New Mexico Historical Monuments and Plaques set by the Local,State or Federal Historical Societies.


Civilian Conservation Corps allows ratings

by:  Civilian Conservation Corps Managers 

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public works program that put over three million young men and adults to work during the Great Depression of the 1930's and 1940's in the United States.


Vértices Geodésicos allows ratings

by:  Vértices Geodésicos 

Señales georeferenciadas permanentes españolas. Todos los puntos de referencia usados por el Instituto Geográfico Naciona, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya y Instituto Cartográfico Valenciano. / Spanish survey marks. All benchmarks used by Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya and Instituto Cartográfico Valenciano.


New Jersey Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  New Jersey Historic Markers Group 

NJ is one of the 13 original colonies and is rife with history from George Washington to Thomas Edison's Laboritories. New Jersey has many things to appreciate, even to brag about. New Jersey may not have the Rocky Mountains, but it has the Delaware Water Gap and; while it does not have the Great Lakes, it has 230 miles of Seashore, numerous lakes, and reservoirs sprinkled across the state.


Tattoo Shops/Parlors

by:  The Body Artists 

This category is here to waymark every single tattoo shop in the world, no matter if they are 90210 classy or Possum Trot trashy.


Scenic at Night

by:  Scenic at Night 

Find and photograph the places that look their best when the sun goes down.


Radio Shack Stores

by:  Radio Shack Stores 

To find and list the thousands of Radio Shack stores around the world.


War of 1812

by:  The 2nd Revolution 

The sub-section to the Napoleonic War (1793-1815), fought primarily in the United States, at sea, & in Canada - Between 1811 and 1815.


Petrosomatoglyphs allows ratings

by:  Petrosomatoglyphists 

Have you seen Petrosomatoglyphs? I think you have if you just know what it is. If you have seen footmarks, handmarks, animal footmarks and shoemark imprints on concrete, rockbed, cement, tiles, asphalt pavements and even wood surfaces you have maybe found one to be waymarked.


Nevada Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Nevada Historic Markers 

Reminders of our past, such as buildings and archeological sites, are found throughout the state of Nevada. They represent the contributions made by early Nevadans to the State's culture. By studying the past, understanding its spirit, and preserving its message, we have an opportunity to understand our present-day culture and institutions. The Historic Marker Program was initiated by the State Legislature in 1967 to bring the State's heritage to the public's attention with on-site markers.


Independent Breakfast Spots allows ratings

by:  Green Eggs and Ham 

Have you found a place where the pancakes are fluffy, home fries are delicious and the coffee keeps coming? Waymark it here! This is the place to waymark those secret and not so secret breakfast spots in your area so everyone can find them.


Bicycle Repair Stations

by:  Bike Mechanics 

This category seeks modern self-service Bicycle Repair Stations placed all around the world in public places.


Australian Trig Points allows ratings

by:  Australian Trig Points 

This category waymarks Australian survey markers known as trig or trigonometrical stations.


Rails to Trails allows ratings

by:  The Rails To Trails Crew 

This category is for marking the trailheads and access points of old rail beds that have been converted to recreational trails.


Mountain Bike Trailheads allows ratings

by:  Mountain Bike Trailhead MGMT Group 

Mountain bike trails, with name, general trail location, trailhead lat/lon, link to trail map (if available). More information you provide, the more fun others can / will have visiting the trails.

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