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Scenic Overlooks allows ratings

by:  Over Lookers 

A listing of scenic overlooks that are not accessible by driving.


Extraterrestrial Locations

by:  Alliens 

find a location on an extraterrestrial body that is named after something or somebody on Earth. Then, match it with a location on Earth.


Masonic Temples allows ratings

by:  Masonic Temple Group 

Locate your local Masonic Lodge or Temple. This can be any group or branch of the Masonic Order. Let us know any other info you have about this lodge.


U.S. Civil War Sites allows ratings

by:  Civil War History Group 

This category is for U.S. Civil War sites that are not included in the Civil War Discovery Trail or do not have a Historical Marker that is associated with it.


Alabama Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Alabama History Buffs 

Roadside historic markers are our windows to the past. They educate us, they make us curious to investigate, or they provide a nice excuse to take a break and stretch our legs while we read what happened here. This category is for those markers found in the state of Alabama.


Railroad Bridges allows ratings

by:  Railroad Bridges 

This waymark category is for the waymarking of either active or inactive railroad bridges of any type. The railroad bridge can currently have other uses and still be waymarked here (i.e. rails-to-trails, resurfaced for other vehicles to use). UPDATE: Naming Convention Added 8-2013


Time Capsules

by:  The Time Capsule Continuum 

Time capsules are one way of sending information about our present lives into the future.


Freestanding Arches allows ratings

by:  Freestanding Arches Managers. 

This category will hold a collection of freestanding arches, both gateway arches and triumphal arches, ancient and modern. As the category grows, the hope is to show how such a simple shape has grown and changed over the ages, and how different regions of the world symbolically interpret this structural form.


Truss Bridges allows ratings

by:  Truss Bridges 

This category is to waymark truss type bridges around the world. These bridges can be currently in use or can be abandoned but still standing.


Hand Operated Water Pumps

by:  old city waterpump's 

To Waymark those old, beautiful hand operated water pumps found in market squares, old streets, and other historical sites.


Tourist Stamps Photos

by:  Wandering Collectors 

Tourist stamps are wooden plaques which depict an attractive tourist destination. Your mission is to visit the depicted tourist destination, take a photograph and record exact coordinates of where you took the photograph.


Homemade Tombstones

by:  Homemade Tombstone Hunters 

This category is for listing tombstones/gravemarkers that were not professionally made. Many are made from semi-permanent materials such as untreated wood or unpainted metal.


Relocated Structures allows ratings

by:  Relocated Structures Managers 

Find a structure that has been moved from one site to another. It can be a building, bridge, arch, or other man-made structure that has been relocated in its lifetime. Collect waypoints for both the CURRENT and ORIGINAL locations of the item. If it has moved multiple times, be sure to note all locations where it has been.


Frieze Art

by:  Frieze Framers 

This category's mission is to waymark buildings with Frieze Art in their architecture.


Paintings Then and Now

by:   Paintings Then and Now  

Find a painting, find the spot, and take a current picture at the same spot towards the same location.


Community Commemoration

by:  Celebration Seekers 

Centennial markers, Bicentennial markers and Anniversary markers are out there celebrating a town, city, state or country's founding anniversary. Markers can be found throughout the world and can be marked here.


Look-Out Towers allows ratings

by:  Look-Out Fanatics 

Publicly accessible towers or other structures where people can climb on and enjoy a great view.


Unique Weathervanes allows ratings

by:  Unique Weathervanes Managers 

This category is seeking out unique, one-of-a-kind weathervanes. If it was bought in a store, it isn't unique. Many older civic structures and historic homes have custom weathervanes. This is the place to waymark them. Click on "more detail" above to see the requirements.


Donated Engraved Bricks and Pavers allows ratings

by:  Brick Layers 

Engraved bricks and pavers displays as a fundraising tactic has had a re-emergence throughout the world. They are usually found at historical sites, schools, libraries, and even businesses. Sometimes they are dedicated to a fallen hero or to the friends of a library. They typically act as a sidewalk surrounding a memorial. Our goal is to photograph and document those brick dedications.


Barber Poles allows ratings

by:  The Barbers. 

This category was created to find the last remaining "Barber Poles" that might be found in working barber shops or on "permanent" display in another location.


North Carolina Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  North Carolina Highway Historical Markers 

Roadside historic markers are our windows to the past. They educate us, they make us curious to investigate, or they provide a nice excuse to take a break and stretch our legs while we read what happened here. Please click on "more detail" above to see the requirements for posting in this category.


Time and Temperature Signs allows ratings

by:  Time and Temperature Signs 

This category is a collection of signs that display the current time and temperature.


Obelisks allows ratings

by:  Obelisks...not Obelix 

A category for all obelisks 10 ft (3 meters) and over.


Unique Steeples allows ratings

by:  Unique Steeples 

This category is a place to waymark unique and unusual steeples with a minimum height of 20 feet or 6.1 meters. Interesting architecture, out of the ordinary designs, very tall steeples - these are the type of structures to be placed in the Unique Steeples category.


Austrian and Swiss National Heritage Sites

by:  Austrian and Swiss Cultural Heritage Sites 

To find and document locations that are officially listed by the respective authorities in Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Findet und dokumentiert denkmalgeschützte Orte in Österreich, Liechtenstein und der Schweiz.

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