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Description: Encontrar todas as categorias possíveis por todo Ribatejo e todo o pais...
Date Created: 01/30/2014
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
National Geographic Articles Group
Description: A group of Waymarking enthusiasts helping to identify and promote the various locations and things described in the NG Magazine.
Date Created: 01/27/2014
Category Managed: NG Magazine Articles Locations
Members: 3
Natuur gebied in Friesland
Description: Natuur beheer gebied "It FrYske Gea"
Date Created: 01/27/2014
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Natuur gebieden Fiesland
Description: Natuurgebied beheer " It Fryske Gea "
Date Created: 01/27/2014
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Description: Similar to so-called »Dollar Shops« or »99 Cent Stores« in the US and Canada, there are a number of shops in Europe that sell almost everything for mostly just one Euro. Let's start to waymark them!
Date Created: 01/26/2014
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Public Water Dispensers
Description: A category to waymark public water dispensers. For travelers or other people who are tired and exhausted and wanting only to quench their thirst.
Date Created: 01/26/2014
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Public Bicycle Stations
Description: This category is helpful for finding Public Bicycle Stations and discovering cities in an easier way.
Date Created: 01/26/2014
Category Managed: Public Bicycle Stations
Members: 4
the Coachmen
Description: To seek out locations where carriages and other horse-drawn vehicles are on display.
Date Created: 01/14/2014
Category Managed: Carriages and Coaches on Permanent Display
Members: 16
Washington D.C. Historical Markers
Description: To catalog and record the district's historical markers.
Date Created: 12/08/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: Het bevorderen van het vastleggen van objecten, die uniek en waardevol zijn voor ons land, door het (stimuleren van) het maken van Waymarks. Bijvoorbeeld door hun schoonheid, of door hun wetenschappelijke of cultuurhistorische betekenis. Registering...
Date Created: 11/27/2013
Category Managed: Rijksmonumenten
Members: 3
Description: GeoCachegroep
Date Created: 11/19/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Park And Rides
Description: Need a lift? Park and ride locations can be found all over the place, and there could be one right around the next turn in the road. This group will find and categorize them in
Date Created: 11/12/2013
Category Managed: Park & Rides
Members: 9
MS Heritage Trust
Description: The sites in this group are the 2013 top ten most endangered places in Mississippi. We hope you will enjoy visiting these forgotten places and, in doing so, bring a little life and memory back into each one.
Date Created: 11/11/2013
Category Managed: 2013 Top Ten Most Endangered Historic Places in Mississippi
Members: 7
Medallion hunters
Description: This group wants to propose a new category about the Souvenir Medallion Distributors. Those distributor are automated machines that gives you a souvenir medallion from a specific place. It's like a penny smasher except that it gives you a medallion...
Date Created: 11/07/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Lightning Conductors
Description: Group of waymarkers fascinated by thunderstorms and power of lightnings. Let's find out and waymark their traces - remains of structures, trees and other places, obviously damaged by lightning. Or sites with (officially, by word) documented strike of lightning,...
Date Created: 11/06/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
The North Carolina Daniel Boone Heritage Trail
Description: Members of this group will have an interest in locating markers in northwest North Carolina related to commemorating the life and times of Daniel Boone, America's pioneer hero. He lived in North Carolina for 21 years, from 1752 to 1773, from the ages of...
Date Created: 11/03/2013
Category Managed: The North Carolina Daniel Boone Heritage Trail
Members: 3
Charnel Chapel Searchers
Description: Identify and document former Charnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and Ossuaries all over the world.
Date Created: 10/29/2013
Category Managed: Charnel Chapels, Charnel Houses and Ossuaries
Members: 11
Description: Manage a Category to find and waymark Cableways around the world.
Date Created: 10/22/2013
Category Managed: Cable Skiing and Wakeboarding
Members: 6
Romanesque Builders
Description: This group is managing a category serving for waymarking of medieval structures built in Romanesque architectural style.
Date Created: 10/10/2013
Category Managed: Romanesque Architecture
Members: 16
Auto Camps
Description: The mission of this group is to seek out current and past locations where auto camps once operated and to find evidence of their history. This can include a historical marker, a print or online article or story, pictures documenting its location and any other...
Date Created: 10/08/2013
Category Managed: Auto Camps
Members: 11
Pizza Pizza
Description: A category To find and waymark the Little Caesars Pizza parlors and pizza stations from around the world. Third largest pizza corporation, and fastest growing, in the world
Date Created: 10/05/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 10
Waymarkeurs Francophones
Description: Le Groupe des Waymarkeurs parlant et/ou comprenant le Français !
Date Created: 10/01/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Ice Junkies
Description: The mission of this group is to locate free standing ICE VENDING MACHINES across the globe. There are 2,500 (plus) Twice the Ice and Ice Born locations across the United States. Most will be found in the Southeast, but locations are popping...
Date Created: 09/26/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
The Waymarking Coin Bankers
Description: Working group for category idea
Date Created: 09/26/2013
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Pigeon Squadron
Description: Validation of a new category of waymarks: "Dovecotes".
Date Created: 09/18/2013
Category Managed: Dovecotes
Members: 12
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