Eglise Paroissiale Saint-Martin - Ligugé, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Bono2333
N 46° 31.047 E 000° 19.881
31T E 295298 N 5155002
[FR] L'Eglise Paroissiale Saint-Martin de Ligugé près de l'abbaye Saint Martin. [EN] The Parish Church Saint-Martin de Ligugé near Saint Martin Abbey.
Waymark Code: WM1111R
Location: Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Date Posted: 07/27/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 10

[FR] "L'église date de 1505. Elle a été reconstruite par Geoffroy d'Estissac sur l'emplacement d'un édifice construit en 1310 mais détruit en 1359 et dont il ne reste que le mur de droite.
Sur la place, en haut des marches, a été replacée la bordure de l'ancien parvis, orné d'un lion de justice aux armes de Geoffroy d'Estissac.
Sur la façade de l'église sont scellés les couvercles de sarcophages mérovingiens de moines des Ve et VIe siècles.
Le portail, une admirable ciselure de pierre, et le clocher sont caractéristiques du style gothique flamboyant, soit du XVIe siècle. Sur la porte de bois sculpté, un observateur distinguera, à droite, Saint-Martin donnant la moitié de son manteau au pauvre d'Amiens. Au-dessus du linteau de pierre, il verra une statue moderne de Saint-Martin, évêque.
La nef est du XVIe siècle. Elle est couverte par une voûte à nervures. Elle est étonnante de pureté par ses lignes sobres.
L'abside date du XIXe siècle.
Dans l'église, les vitraux historiés datent de 1856. Le vitrail sud rappelle six épisodes célèbres de la vie de Saint-Martin.
L'orgue date de 1880. Il a été restauré en 1983.
La tribune date de 1893. C'est un véritable chef-d’œuvre de sculpture dite "gothique à petits plis".
Le portail a été classé comme Monument Historique en 1846; l'église, le clocher, l'ensemble des parties anciennes, le terrain de fouilles l'ont été en 1965 à l'initiative du Père Jean Coquet, archéologue à ses heures."

[EN] "The church dates from 1505. It was rebuilt by Geoffroy d'Estissac on the site of a building built in 1310 but destroyed in 1359 and of which only the wall on the right remains.
On the square, at the top of the steps, was replaced the edge of the old forecourt, adorned with a lion of justice with the arms of Geoffroy d'Estissac.
On the facade of the church are sealed the lids of Merovingian sarcophagi monks of the fifth and sixth centuries.
The portal, an admirable stone carving, and the bell tower are characteristic of the flamboyant Gothic style, that is to say the 16th century. On the carved wooden door, an observer will distinguish, on the right, St. Martin giving half of his coat to the poor Amiens. Above the stone lintel, he will see a modern statue of St. Martin, bishop.
The nave is from the 16th century. It is covered by a rib vault. She is amazing purity by its sober lines.
The apse dates from the 19th century.
In the church, the stained glass windows date from 1856. The southern stained glass recalls six famous episodes of the life of St. Martin.
The organ dates from 1880. It was restored in 1983.
The tribune dates from 1893. It is a true masterpiece of sculpture called "gothic small folds".
The portal was classified as a Historic Monument in 1846; the church, the bell tower, all the old parts, the field of excavations were in 1965 at the initiative of Father Jean Coquet, archaeologist at his hours."

Source : (visit link)
Date the Church was built, dedicated or cornerstone laid: 01/01/1505

Age of Church building determined by?: Other reliable source

If denomination of Church is not part of the name, please provide it here: Catholic

Street address of Church:
Grand Rue
Ligugé, Nouvelle Aquitaine France

Primary website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

If Church is open to the public, please indicate hours: Not listed

If Church holds a weekly worship service and "all are welcome", please give the day of the week: Not listed

Indicate the time that the primary worship service is held. List only one: Not Listed

Secondary Website for Church or Historic Church Building: Not listed

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Bono2333 visited Eglise Paroissiale Saint-Martin - Ligugé, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France 07/27/2019 Bono2333 visited it

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