ING Point De Mesure 42A13C1, Chemin rural, Ans
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member TeamYakara
N 50° 42.656 E 005° 30.150
31U E 676677 N 5620667
Chemin rural, Juprelle, Liège, Belgium
Waymark Code: WM114NB
Location: Liège, Belgium
Date Posted: 08/15/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Axel-F
Views: 1

Borne en béton a.collier/d 15x15 "M" - rivet
ca. 1800m W de l'église de Juprelle
côté N de la prolongation de la Rue du Béguinage
à 27m du carrefour en T avec le chemin rural

Altitude 155.80m
Reference of this Benchmark:
Chemin rural
Ans, Liège Belgium

Type: Grondpunt

Lambert2008 X coordinates: 730,073.00

Lambert2008 Y coordinates: 656,218.00

Condition: Poor

Visit Instructions:

The requirement for logging this Waymark will be at least shoot the most beautiful picture you are ever shot at the Benchmark point.

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