Pulpit - St Martin of Tours - Lyndon, Rutland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 37.799 W 000° 39.650
30U E 658309 N 5833680
Alabaster pulpit of 1856 in St Martin of Tours' church, Lyndon.
Waymark Code: WM1163X
Location: East Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 08/22/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Math Teacher
Views: 1

The marble pulpit, in form like a north ambo, dates from 1856.

St Martin's church is a small mainly 12th and 13th century village church in Lyndon Rutland. Sympathetically restored by the Victorians for once, in the 1860's with more recent work since 2000.
Approximate Age of Artefact: 1856

Relevant Website: Not listed

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